Making a Difference, One Ride At A Time

Making a Difference, One Rodeo, One Child at a Time!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Update On Sis

On Monday, my friend Jeanie and I loaded up the trailer with 4 horses, including Sis to take to Sommerset to see Dr. Brown.  Of course, we were all nevous about the outcome for each. 

Dr. Brown, did the lameness test on Sis, and revealed what a huge heart my mare has!  She had never shown any signs of being sore at all this last year until just within this last month.  Walking slow up hills, stopping behind barrels, etc.  So, no doubt, she was hock sore.  Which in turn made her front end sore from trying not to use her hind end.  Who knows if last year this all started, and caused her stress, which could have lead to her bleeding.  We'll never know for sure, but with a horse that has such a huge heart to go into an areana and perform hurting or not, it's hard to tell.  Dr. Brown said for as lame as she was, and yet still running as she was, with fixing her up, she should be able to shave 1/2 second off her time!  Which is very exciting!  I guess I better hold on!  After he looked her over, determined everything, he looked at me and said "We are going to fix your horse!".  I wanted to cry!  Was so happy to hear those words! 

He injected her hocks, showed me her xrays of her front feet, which the left front needs corrective shoeing as her coffin bone is a little rotated.  Which that is also an easy fix, and we basically knew she had issues in the front foot anyway, as I would always stress when I'd get a new farrier, as several have crippled her not knowing the angles to make her foot. 

He also scoped her, which all was good, no scars, no tumors, no blooed left in her airways.  So, he was not even concerned with the bleeding issue, just told me to treat her as a bleeder with lasiks, and run her as normal.  He also did bloodwork, which all came back normal. 

So, although a hefty vet bill, I came home relieved that all was covered, and we have fixed the issues!  The other horses we took, one needs 60 days off, another also needs some corrective shoeing, and another had to have a foot wired where it cracked a little, and should be up and going soon. 

Also, you can read my three part interview on Barrel Racing Blog, as it is all finished up now. 

I have also finished the video from the rodeo with Gabby.  I've had a lot of wonderful compliments on it so far. 

   "It was very touching to see it and better understand the experience. Seeing really is believing!!! It's amazing what we take for granted that others have never been able to see, feel or be apart of and when they do how truely special it is." -- Sue Rhoades (co-worker and friend)

"Your videos are always the best..and they always bring tears to my eyes, esp this one!! I hope I'm off for the next rodeo/rodeo kid to get to experience it with you/them " -- Julianne Smith/TEAM DO3 member and donator of some great gifts for Gabby

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