Making a Difference, One Ride At A Time

Making a Difference, One Rodeo, One Child at a Time!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Getting Close to Kick Off!

Over the last several weeks we have been in the middle of the voting process for the Extreme Retired Racehorse Makeover.  I know for all those that were on the Voting Committee, it was not an easy task.  All applicants were very qualified!  When I first started the process of acquiring applications, I never thought that it would be so hard!  I actually worried I would get 12 to be in the Event, let alone have 25!!

When I first put it out there that this was a dream of mine, to hold a barrel racing Event in order to help some horses and to give them a second chance, I truly never thought that it would come to fruition.  However, once others heard, so many came to my aid.  I did exactly what Greg Reid says in the above.  I looked on the calendar to figure out what would be the best weekend.  I decided that perhaps a Friday would work best in order not to compete with barrel races in the area.

Then, I contacted Jen Ruberto, to figure out if we could find the horses before we started collecting applications.  She immediately jumped on board to help make this all come true!

The first step would be to write the application, the rules, permissions, etc.  I looked through several forms, and adapted everything to what we needed for the OTTB's.  This was a long tedious task no doubt, but eventually I finished and was able to get it out to all those interested in applying.

We started to acquire sponsors to cover the costs.  I'm proud to say that Purina/Agland are co-headline sponsors for this Event! I contacted Joe Coalter to announce and he agreed to do so as a sponsor, and he was also willing to  give us a sponsorship through the Horsemen's Corral.  We will be in this publication in April, May, June and July.   So the sponsorships seem to begin to roll in, which made it alot easier to concentrate more on the rest of the Event.

I contacted a wonderful band, The Hillbury's who graciously offered to play that evening.  I also needed a National Anthem singer. A friend recommended Melanie May, and Melanie was also thrilled to be a part of it all!

A friend of mine, Chrissy Elick, contacted me to be a part of it all and agreed to write the blog for the 100 days.

So step by step, things started to come together.  The dream, was seemingly taking shape!  I just tackled each thing I felt needed done one at a time.  I still have alot to do, but one at a time, I will get it done and conquered, as I am determined to make this dream come true!  With all the help I am receiving, the support, I know and realize there are so many who have joined me in this dream!

Now, we will be announcing the Top 12 trainers on April 1!  I am excited and nervous all at the same time!  I wish I could have put all of the applicants in the competition, we just didn't have the funds this year, and wanted to keep it somewhat smaller to get a handle on everything.  We certainly plan to increase the number of trainers next year!

This week has also deeply moved me emotionally.  I had sponsors respond to my letters letting me know that they were going to assist DO3 for the Makeover, as they would like to help our "inspirational organization".  To start to receive those "yes" answers, along with wanting me to know how thrilled they were to take part of this Event!  All these wonderful words from Company's so large that I felt would never take notice of DO3, had me in tears at times.  I just couldn't believe it sometimes!

Also, several weeks ago, I helped our North Carolina State Team DO3 Captain, Heather Jarman with her mother's benefit.  Heather's mother has a form of cancer, and Heather came up to hold a small fund raiser for her.  I unfortunately couldn't attend, as we had already scheduled to be at a tack swap, but I did my best to get her some big ticket items for her silent auction.  I certainly NEVER do anything for anybody expecting anything in return, but when I came home from work one night, to find a package from Carlie Hayes, our TX State Captain (who is making Awards for the Makeover as well and who I ordered a birthday gift for a friend), I thought Carlie messed up sending me the present I had ordered twice, or that she was really early at getting me the Makeover items.  To my surprise, the beautiful set of brushes has MY name on them, and a note, from Heather Jarman!

I am not used to getting stuff like that for what I do for others as it's just what DO3 is all about really, so it was VERY much appreciated and also brought tears to my eyes.

So, as you can see it's been a wonderful week!  Amazingly, I even got on Sis tonight (My husband called me  a die-hard, I'm just tired of NOT being able to ride, so I decided I was SNOW flurries and mud!)  I sure hope the weather breaks soon, as I have become a "fair weather barrel racer" as I get older.  I don't enjoy riding when it's freezing.  I love to barrel race, but if I can't feel the fingers due to being frozen, I'd prefer to be inside! (Doing my DO3 work..  :))

So stay tuned to find out who are the Top 12 for the Makeover, which Companies join us in our Dream and become a sponsor, and as always, never give up on your own dreams, as nothing is impossible!  Something I have learned very well these last few months!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Rodeo Kid #5, Dominique McAllister

This past weekend, Dreaming of Three expanded it's Rodeo Kid Program!  I am totally thrilled to see something I started a year ago on my own, just to give some families a night out without worry, has grown and other Team members are able to take part in these wonderful experiences.

I was hesitant at first, as I wanted to make sure the Team members who would take the families truly understood what I wanted to accomplish by adding this Program to DO3.  I wanted them to have the same enthusiasm as I did.  I wanted them to give the family a fun evening, filled with gifts and rodeo fun, and a chance to let their minds be free of the worries they have.

I knew I wanted to give these families these nights out without worry, because it was what my step father and mother needed during those months that he was fighting cancer.  I  got a gift for them of dinner and a Broadway show for Christmas.  I was able to see how it lifted their spirits and refreshed them just to have an evening out, thinking nothing about their troubles, but simply enjoying dinner and a show.  THIS is why I started the Rodeo Kids Program, but instead to entertain the family with my favorite show, RODEO!

When Carlie Hayes, a Texas Team member joined, she would always tell me how she would love to someday take a child to a rodeo like I had done through our Rodeo Kids Program.  I decided to acquire State Captains for each State, therefore allowing me to work closely with each Team member who took the role so I would know that they had compassion and enthusiasm for DO3.  Each State Captain is allowed to take a Rodeo Kid if they desire and Carlie quickly accepted.  We worked with the Ronald McDonald House of Ft. Worth and they found the McAllisters.

Here you can read more about Carlie's and TX Team DO3's night at the Rodeo with Dominique, Rodeo Kid #5!!!

Upper Row:  Becca Mead, Erica Cole, Trenton Cole
Bottom:  Billy McAllister, Dominique McAllister, Carlie Hayes
THANK YOU TEXAS TEAM DO3!  You all did an awesome job!!!!
Certainly made DO3 Proud!!!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Take the Rodeo to Children's Hospital

Today was a very special day.  Today a group of people that have never met before today, met in the lobby of Children's Hospital to go and bring the rodeo to Aaron Amon, our Rodeo Kid #4.  Aaron had some complications and was admitted several days ago.  They are still trying to figure all the details, but it appears he has some form of pneumonia and some asthmatic symptoms.

I sent out an email to Team DO3 and several members pitched in so we could take Aaron and his family something to enjoy!  (I know full well how sometimes being stuck in the hospital for days, the food gets to ya!).  So I picked up an Edible Arrangement on my way down to the hospital.  This is just one way that Team members can join together to make a difference in a child's life!  It's never a requirement from Team members, but always nice to have the support to help brighten a child's day!

Thank you TEAM DO3 Members

I met some friends of the Amon's,  Natascha and Chris and we waited for more to show up.  Clarrisa came down to greet us.  Soon we heard the clingy of spurs walking through the lobby at Children's.  We looked up and saw a group of cowboys headed our way.  Hats, chaps, boots, spurs, and rodeo clown attire!  I am sure it wasn't seen there every day!
We all got check in...

and headed upstairs to see that little cowboy!

He quickly got that sly little smile on his face, and you could just tell he was thrilled to have some of his "own" there in the hospital.

What truly amazed me, after being there a few minutes, is that I realized the bull fighter, Chris and his mother Natascha were the only people that Aaron really knew.  All these other boys and ladies that attended, were from a group called Angels for Cowboys, and drove all the way from Ohio just to bring some Rodeo cheer to Aaron.  They never  met him.  I realized this after Clarissa, Aaron's mom was asking where they rode, what organizations did they ride in and if they knew her other sons.  Just truly amazing that these boys wanted to make the trip to visit with Aaron!   It certainly shows how great the Rodeo Families in America are and how the youth involved have such great values.

Aaron is all rodeo all the time!  Even Clarissa said he wouldn't really talk to the one nurses, and she wondered why.  Clarissa asked her what did she talk to him about, and told her if she isn't talking about rodeo, she wasn't going to get Aaron to talk  much!  

Courage Beads - given every time there is a treatment.
So I do believe our mission was accomplished...we brought a smile to his face!  Aaron is such a brave little cowboy, and I am so honored to have him as my friend and to be a part of his life and to have him and his brothers as part of TEAM DO3!

I use this quote often, and truly believe in it as a motto for Dreaming of Three and TEAM DO3!

A note from Clarissa:  
Thank you Jackie!!!!!!!!!! You knew what you were doing when you got that fruit. It soooo hits the spot with all the snacks and junk we've been eating. Like I told the others, your visit was the best medicine he has had. He has felt so good since you guys have been here. It completely changed his attitude!! And your fringe was awesome!!

I use this quote often, and truly believe in it as a motto for Dreaming of Three and TEAM DO3!

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.~Margaret Mead

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Happiness Resides Not in Possessions

Happiness resides not in possessions, and not in gold, happiness dwells in the soul.

As Team DO3 grows, I continually hear from new members how riding for a cause has inspired them to do more with their horses, in competing, riding and becoming involved with everything Dreaming of Three.   Perhaps even starting to ride again after many years. I feel a lot of pride when I hear such things, as sometimes life gets in the way of our true passions and to know that I have created something to bring folks back to their passions, it certainly warms my soul.

For myself, after having children, it became harder and harder to compete in barrel racing.  I swore I would never give it up though.  Actually, not wanting to give it up, was the number one reason I waited until after 30 to have my first child.  I was so fearful, that having kids would ultimately take away my barrel racing, due to time, money, etc.  I knew having children would change my life.  Of course, being early 20's, or later 20's, I did not know how it would change my life for the better however.  All I knew, was it would potentially take something away that, at that time, I lived for every day.  I lived for since the age of 9, when I was given my first pony, Ebony Surprise.

After graduating high school, getting my first job, I would go to work, afterwards straight to the gym, and straight home to ride.  I can remember being asked out on dates, and I would refuse to even give anybody the time of day, as I would be rushing home to keep that horse fit!  I had no time to get to know anybody, unless they were taking an aerobic class with me and standing next to me in that gym, or perhaps they had a horse as well.   (yes, aerobic class back then, not zumba, or spinning,etc. :)  

My husband, Sean, grew up with me and I have known him since the age of  10, so when he returned home on leave from the Navy, I knew him well already and of course I had plenty of time for him. 

We married, and after six months of the Gulf War and him being out to sea, he/we were stationed in Hawaii.

So, I certainly couldn't take my barrel horse to Hawaii with me.  I sold him, as of course, being with my husband was most important.  We lived in Hawaii for 2 years.  

When we returned to PA, I didn't have the money to go and buy a finished barrel horse, therefore, with the desire to raise one myself, I bought Scout, who was three months  old.  After many horses after Scout (Pete, Rocky, Peewee, Bubba), and in my 30's, it was time to start a family.  

I took some years where I wasn't as competitive as I was in my earlier years or those several years before the kids came along.  I wasn't able to ride 4-5 days a week, and to attend barrel races every weekend.  When I would go to a barrel race, I felt a sense of guilt if my family wasn't with me, as I was without them, doing something for myself.  Which, isn't a bad thing no doubt.  Everybody needs their own hobbies, and should always keep doing things that make them happy.  

However, even with myself, starting DO3 has brought my family to be more involved with the barrel racing scene and has given me a sense that I am no longer just doing it for myself. My whole family enjoys spreading the word, attending barrel races knowing it's for fun but also to give back.  

I believe, that in the coming years, more and more cowboys and cowgirls will become aware of the good feeling you have when you are doing something you love to do and able to do for others as well.  We are 115 members strong now, and in over 27 States!  We are not even one year old yet!  We will be a year old on April 1.    

We continue to grow, to involve more folks in our efforts.  Chrissy Elick will be our blogger for the Extreme Retired Racehorse Makeover.  You can read more about her here, at the blog for the Event and also keep up with news if you do not have Facebook.

I have no doubt in my mind that Team DO3 will accomplish wonderful things in the years to come, as we have a great Team, great sponsors, and alot of folks willing to help us in our goals!

Thank you to all!