Making a Difference, One Ride At A Time

Making a Difference, One Rodeo, One Child at a Time!

Friday, December 28, 2012

The Holidays

During the Holidays, I think we all tend to miss our loved ones we've lost.  The memories never fade and the traditions that are broken because those loved ones are no longer here.  For me, I always have a moment of tearing up thinking about these things.

Christmas Eve was always spent with my father and his wife, Barbara.  They would come to our home, exchange gifts, and have dinner.

Christmas Eve to me will always bring back memories of my father, laughing, enjoying dinner and spending time together.  Unfortunately, his wife chose to not remain in contact with me or my family. So, not only did my children lose two grandfathers, they also lost another person in their lives that they have known since their birth.  I'll never understand her choices, or why a person whom we treated as our own family and loved, chose to walk away from seeing my children grow up, something my father will never witness.
Christmas Day is always spent with my Mother and my husband's mother and family.  My mom's house seems a little quieter without my step father there, and it seems to be a reminder that he is gone as well.  We still go through our normal traditions, but there is always a void. 
Although there is alot sadness for those we've lost around the Holidays, there is also a heightened sense of thankfulness as well for those that are still here.  I enjoy every moment of watching my kids open gifts and their excitement.  I enjoy the quiet moments with my husband by the fire place, relaxing together on a chilly night.  I'm thankful for them and for the moments I have to share with them.  I think losing so many of my family members in the past several years, have really heightened my senses of just appreciating the moments.    I think sometimes we get so caught up in the business of the Holidays, taking for granted that the people that are here now, will be there the following year as well.  Truth is, none of us can be sure of that, therefore, it's good to slow down and "smell the roses" as they say. 
Onto Team DO3!  We are growing daily!  I am so relieved to have Team Jersey sponsors!  Currently, our Team Jersey sponsor is Dog Pound Printing.  We are fastly going through the 50 shirts they have sponsored too!

It was probably the #1 thing I stressed over, was being able to afford to continue to give new members a Team Jersey.  However, it was very important to me to be able to continue to do so.  To me, when you join a sports Team, or any Team, having something to connect you all is what brings you together.  I know that most of the Team members have pride in wearing their jersey and wear it often.  So no doubt the Team Jersey sponsors will get alot of coverage!

My next Team Jersey sponsor, will be Nutrena Horse Feeds!

I am very thankful to both of these Team Jersey sponsors for supporting Team DO3!  I think we should be set for 2013!  Bring on the members!  I hope to double our donations!

I am moving forward with Non-Profit Status, and should be a certified 501c(3) for 2013, which will help me and anybody who sponsors Team DO3.  2012 was slightly different, as in the beginning of the year, I had sponsors who sponsored ME personally as a barrel racer.  2013, I will be accepting sponsors moreso for the Team in form of Year End Rewards or the Rodeo Kids Program.  Therefore, the Sponsors page will feature all of these companies, instead of having a Year End Reward page.  Sponsors will be the sponsors of Team DO3.  I want anything I receive from sponsors to benefit the Team, not myself. 

Unfortunately, the Sharon Camarillo clinic  was cancelled.  The participation was non-existant.  I had several sign up, then several cancel.  The only weekend I was able to have it was Memorial Day weekend due to Sharon's schedule being filled by the time I secured an arena.  Perhaps it was just a bad weekend, I don't know.  All I knew, was that I didn't want to stress all Spring about getting 12 riders in order to pay Sharon for her time.  I felt losing my $500 deposit was better than stressing all Spring, and having to pay several thousand because nobody signed up, but was too late to cancel.  I thought it was something different to raise money for the charities, but not all my ideas are good ones I suppose.  I just couldn't afford to spend more money to raise money for charities.  I have got to concentrate more on money coming in to DO3 for operating costs, instead of just spending my own money and harming my finances in 2013. So, I'll be learning about Grant writing in 2013 as well! 

So many things I am diving into that I would have never thought in a million years I would be doing when I started this all.  Things I am having to learn about that I would have never guessed I'd be learning.  This year has been a whirlwind no doubt!  DO3 took alot of turns that I certainly didn't plan.  I am very happy that it took on a life of it's own.  I suppose DO3 had a destiny that even I didn't know.  I feel as though somebody else has ideas of their own.

I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go. I will counsel you with my eye upon you. Psalm 25:12

I seemed to have a rough start for 2012 and my plans, but I am very proud of where Dreaming of Three/Team DO3 ended up at the end of 2012. 

One meets his destiny often in the road he takes to avoid it.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Good, The Bad, The Awesome!

There have been a lot of things happening these last few weeks.  So much to tell.   Bad news, good news, great news.  Typically, when people ask me that question of which I'd like to hear first, I always choose the bad news.  So, I will start there.

A couple weeks ago I went for my yearly check up.  The results came back not so great.  So, I had to return for a biopsy.  (and to my relatives reading this, my mother does NOT need to know any of this.)  To have to wait for the appointment, then to wait for the results, was agonizing to say the least.  Here I am, running an organization to raise money for cancer, and there I was getting a biopsy.  As usual, I tend to make a joke with serious things to lighten things up.  I had told my husband, "Well, if the results are bad, perhaps the Ellen Show will finally hear me and have me on their show!" and that "man won't that kick DO3 to the next level!"  He didn't seem to find humor in that however. 

As I had mentioned before, with my winter "down time" from barrels, I sit and look through photos, creating inspirational quotes to match each one.  This particular quote at the time of finding this news, was one of myself and my (hubby's) horse Smoke.

I know all to well, that horrible things can happen.  That none of us are safe from such things.  With the Holidays coming, I would drive to work listening to Christmas songs, tearing up as I drove thinking and praying that God did not do this to my kids again, not me, not now, I have got alot to accomplish yet. 

Luckily, (without making you suffer waiting for the answer), the news was good, and negative.  Thank GOD!  I am certainly enjoying this Holiday Season alot more, spending time with my family, cuddling on the couch with my husband on the cold winter nights, and being thankful for everything!

During this waiting period, one of DO3's major supporters and sponsors, Island Cowgirl Jewelry  contacted me in regards to helping a man and his wife who ran a horse rescue in New York.  The man, Mike Dodge is dying of lung cancer and currently is in Hospice.  The rescue is H.O.R.S.E. The article is below:

He made a promise to each and every one of these horses and he does not want to leave this world with their fates unknown. They have 11 horses left.  Over the years he and his wife have taken care of or placed over 400 horses and he has given his life to them. His wife, Christine, is no longer able to care for them as she is elderly and not in good health either.
It took me two seconds to reply to her with a "Certainly we will help!". I quickly sent out a memo to the Team, asked them to put their "thinking caps" on of what we could do, how we could help in quick way.  Something to sell, not a tshirt, as I felt we did them too much in the last few months.  We all decided on a cap for winter!  As everybody usually wears them to the barn, to shows, out and about.  The members also wanted something on them to honor Mike, and therefore we came up with placing "The Promise" on the back of the hats, to represent the Promise he made and the Promise we will try to help him keep.
They are $15 each and all proceeds will go to H.O.R.S.E. to help them care for the horses until they are placed in Forever Homes.  We will have a photo and story of each of the remaining horses soon, as Heather (Island Cowgirl) has flown into New York to document them all.   (

Last but certainly not least, I finally heard back from an organization in Ft. Worth to help find a Rodeo Kid family!  I contacted The Ronald McDonald House and they responded with gratefullness!  It's something I certainly needed after calling and writing to many organizations without any response.  I sometimes feel like people wanting to do good things are draped in a blanket of suspicion.  I assured RMH that we had nothing but good intentions and certainly have plenty of references.  So I am happy to say, that we have partnered up with RMH to help us with our Rodeo Kids Program in Ft. Worth and hopefully in other cities as well as we grow! 

As I looked through their site to familiarize myself more with their organization, I saw that they collect pop tabs to raise funds for their families in need.  I thought what better way for us to work throughout the year to help an organization that is going to help us!  So I shot out an email to all the Team members, told them my idea, and within minutes most responded and said they would take a container and set it up at horse shows, offices, arenas, etc.

I sometimes think to myself, am I crazy for continuing to add things like this to DO3?   But why not!?  Most of us go to horse shows, or trail many cans of pop (or beer!) are cracked open ?  It's a very simple collect them!  My co-workers father works at a scrap yard where I can send them, receive the cash and send down to the RMH in Ft. Worth.  (as no reason to send the caps..alot cheaper to send the check!).  State Captains can do the same in their area as well.  They can cash them in at a scrap yard themselves from their State collections or send the tabs down, it would be up to them entirely. 

So, lots of things happening!  Exciting things!  Things that lift my spirits for this Holiday Season, things that make me very Thankful for family and friends, and things that are helping to make DO3 grow!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Failure is a Detour and Not a Dead End Street

As my mind constantly turns to make Dreaming of Three fun, new, exciting and different, wanting to help others in need, I decided to come up with something other than a Tshirt to help the equine victims from hurricane Sandy.  I searched for the perfect design, waves with horses representing a hurricane like force.

I wanted to order in bulk, and have them on hand to sell every time a hurricane struck in the U.S. to help an equine rescue in the area hit. 

I looked around, wanting the have the design dyed into the fabric.  I felt that having it screen printed, they wouldn't last the design would wash off over time  I looked, and looked, and in the U.S. I only found ones that would run me about $30.  I certainly couldn't raise funds with a towel that cost ME $30  Who would buy a beach towel for $40!

So, I went to a site I was told about through work, Alibaba, where you can find exporters for every thing you can imagine.  Nervously, I wrote to several companies that made these towels that were made by "sublimation", meaning dyed into the fabric.  I told them all I wanted a beach towel 30 x 60.  I finally got talking to a manufacturer, and we got all the details straight, the design layed out etc.  I was thrilled yet nervous to wire the up front money.  But, I knew I would no doubt recover my money AND make some funds to give to a worthy equine rescue.

The package came last week.  A small box.    I opened the plastic bag, the material felt so nice.  The colors were perfect.  I grabbed an end, and walked out to show my co-worker.  Pulled it out of the bag, and......

um???????  BEACH towel??  30 x 60?  This is our dog Koda, who is about 7  pounds.  This was noooo beach towel that was sent!  A dish towel, golf towel, hand towel, doggie towel or pixie fairy beach towel perhaps!

So, I refunded everybody that had purchased ahead of time.  Some people wanted to still get the towels and support the fund raiser.   I tried my best to get the manufacturer to correct the mistake between what he claims it was, saying he thought our measurements were in cm, not inches.  I don't believe that for one second, as I am sure he has dealt with Americans before, and beach towel is a beach towel, meaning an adult wants to lay on the beach with it.  In America, Companies make sure if they are not certain what a customer is referring to as sfar as size and if there is miscommunication, the Company fixes the issue, not ask for another $400 to get me the proper size towels!  No doubt he knew what he was doing, I did not however apparently.  Lesson learned no doubt! 

So, I will adapt, and put them back in the store as a dish/hand/golf/doggie towel and hope that people will still want to support when hurricanes hit the U.S.

On a better note, yesterday was the drawing for Year End Reward for all the Team DO3 members who turned in their charity checks!  It was very exciting to me to draw the names, as I worked so hard to get items donated to make it worthwhile prize package for the winners.  I had some help from some of the Team members as well getting items donated, which is a relief at times, as I get burnt out of asking and writing letters always.
Our camera cut out as soon as I went to read the Youth name, so we had to change batteries, and roll again.
Our Grand Prize winner is Ronald Allen Jr.
Second Prize is Cindy Kivette
Third Prize is Brandi Reicheneker

The Youth winner is Paige Campf

Congratulations to all the winners!  I can't wait to get all the items to you!  I know next year is going to be bigger and better with more prizes!  As I keep saying, I'm hoping to have a trip to the NFR for the Grand Prize!  But, we shall see what  happens in a year!  In just seven short months, we certainly have come a long way!  I've already got several sponsors already, and they are actually coming to ME, not me having to ask!  Which really feels great!

So although sometimes there are mistakes, as all of this is all new to me, I feel that for the most part things are really going well as we grow rapidly.  I know there will no doubt be more things I need to learn, ups and downs, as my friend Karrin Campf tells me, "they are just growing pains". 

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”
Winston Churchill

Saturday, November 24, 2012

What's in a Name....

Over the past several months, with trying to spread the word about Team DO3, Dreaming of Three, I have often doubted my selection of a name for all of "this".  There is no "cowgirl", or "cowboy" or any words that relate to horses or riding in Dreaming of Three. 

When I first started this "journey", it was I alone that wanted to do something to grieve.  I had just gone through hell, watching my step father, whom raised me battle cancer, and lose.  I had to watch my children see their "pap", deteriorate before their eyes.   All of us knew the outcome.  Eighteen to twelve months is what he was given.  However, we tried to carry on life as it was normal.  We went to look at new homes with my mother and step father, John, closer to where my husband and I lived.  Knowing full well, we were just going through the motions to make John feel like things were "normal".  They weren't.  They were very very wrong. 
John & my Mother


He passed away on October 1, 2010, the first day of arhery, which was appropriate, as for him, he lived for first day of hunting season.  So have no doubt in my mind he was rushing to get the best tree stand in heaven! 

My family and I had to move on, somehow.  No doubt it was painful, and hard, and an aweful thing especially for my children to go through with somebody they loved so dearly.  We picked ourselves up slowly and tried to get back to our lives.

Three months later, on January 30, I recieved a call at my office, from my step mother telling me my father had passed away from a major heart attack.  I felt as though I had been picked up and thrown face down in the dirt.  We were just coming out of the fog from the pain of John, to have another death so close together of two people that were very important and loved very much. 

My father had chronic heart problems, so it wasn't such a surprise.  He had at least 4 other heart attacks, but it didn't make it any easier to hear those words. 

My Dad and his wife, Barb
So, once more we had to continue on with our lives from all this heart break.  When Spring of 2011 came, it took me a little while to get the energy, desire to start riding and competing again.  Eventually, I did however.  Riding was something that remained the same, just me and my horse, Sis.  Competing, was the same, just me and Sis and the clock.  So, I started hitting barrel races more weekends, and Sis and I started hitting our groove once more.  We started hitting that first division more often. 

However, even though my dreams were finally coming true with having a horse that could compete at the top, I would hear more loved ones struck with cancer or heart disease, hear more friends tell of their own loved ones struck with these diseases, and my heart remained heavy.  I continued to feel just as helpless as I did while watching John die.  I continued to feel helpless as when I heard my Dad had passed. 

I did NOT like that feeling of helplessness at all.  So, while awaiting to go into the arena one day, down because of yet ANOTHER person in my life having to fight through, I questioned "what could I do to not feel so helpless".  I slightly got upset with myself at that time, thinking "What is wrong with you!  You are sitting on a first division horse!  It's what you dreamt about all these years!  Since you were 12!  Yet you are moping" .  Then, I realized that winning really wasn't all that important anymore.  There are so many more important things in life.  So, my wheels kept turning, as "what I could do to not feel helpless".  (as I waited to be called into arena.  I typically am on Sis waaay too early, and warmed up waaay too I am constantly sitting and waiting!).  As, I had all these thoughts, Sis reached around and nudged my foot.  This is when it hit me, Sis and I were in our groove, winning money every weekend! I could take this success and turn it into something to "give back", to "pay it forward"!  I declared I would donate mine and Sis' winnings in 2012 to American Cancer, American Heart and animal rescues close to my heart. 

So, as friends and family knew I was doing so, I thought I would create a Facebook page, a web page where they could all follow my season.  I started to write all those loved one's initials on my saddle crosses that had fought, fighting or lost fight to cancer or heart disease and even told friends they could add their own as well.  So I thought, for those people, they too might enjoy following where I'd compete, and stories along the way. 

I had always dreamt of having that one great horse!  Turning three perfect, quick barrels.  I'd doodle on paper in school, the barrel pattern...  so initially, I named this "journey", "Dreaming of Three", as I wanted to continue to succeed in order to donate the most money I could to Cancer, Heart and Animal Rescue~the THREE Charities. 

I drew my logo, with the wings behind me, as my step father and father watching over me as I did my best to succeed and donate as much as possible.  It was just something fun to do, so I had something to put on my Facebook page profile picture, and my website. 

I never intended to "market" anything.  It was all for personal use.  From the name, from the logo, to the website.  Never in a million years would I have thought it would have taken the turns it did to get us to over 70 members on TEAM DO3, to wanting to spread the word and get more Team members, more sponsors, etc, in order to raise more for the charities and causes.

So I didn't think about people finding me by a cool "horsey, cowgirl, cowboy" name for the organization.  I find myself at times thinking, "man, why didn't I think of a cooler name!  Nobody will find me when they "search"!  Then, other days, when I have a shirt or jacket on, and somebody asks me what "Team DO3" is all about, I think, perhaps it's not so bad, as it is a conversation starter.  If people saw "Team Cowgirl", they wouldn't ask many questions.  They would assume what it is all about. 
Dreaming of Three, truly came from my heart, and was not to sell a thing, not to gain "likes" on Facebook, or to be the most popular search on google.  It was to honor my step father, my father, my uncles, and all those that have passed in my own life from these diseases.

Now, during the winter months while I'm not keeping Sis in shape or headed down the road to a barrel race, I sit here Saturday and Sunday mornings surfing the internet for beautiful photos to match up to heart felt sayings or poems, or quotes, so that I can post them, and people will share them and perhaps ask themselves that question as well, "What is Dreaming of Three?", and stop over to see what a wonderful group of cowboys and cowgirls, equestrians that make up TEAM DO3. 

 It may not be the best "marketing" tool, but for now, it's free to do so, and the best I have to spread the word.  I've been in several magazines, trying to get it out there as well.  Seven months ago, when Team DO3 was started, I would have never thought I would have been filing Incorporation papers, or 501c papers, as it was just myself, grieving in my own way.  Now, I am driven by wanting more Team members, so that our tally rises and perhaps TEAM DO3 will be a known name in every equine industry!  Why am I putting so much effort into it all? 

To conquer the feeling of helplessness.
To grieve.
To give others an avenue through their passion of horses and rodeo to conquer helplessness and to grieve.
So, the name of what will soon be a registered Non-Profit Organization, Dreaming of Three, may not sound like a organization regarding horses, cowboys, cowgirls, or rodeo, but when you look deeper to find that it was all built on true heart break, true friendship and true determination, instead of marketing a product, or competing with others, you will love the name as much as I do, as it has true meaning.  

Thursday, November 15, 2012

This is why we ride.....

Team DO3 member, Ashley Richards-Schuetz tells a little about why she rides with Team DO3:

Just wanted to share who I ride for and why i am passionate about raising money for the American Cancer Society... July 2011 my daddy was diagnosed with stage 4 brain cancer, he had less than 6 months to live and my wedding was in 2 months. We all knew what was coming,
but I never let it my dad know how scared I was. I would go to the restroom in the hospital, cry my eyes out, wash my face, compos...
e myself and force a smile as I walked back into his room. I sat thru two 8 hour brain surgeries for him, went to every appointment and meeting...I never left his side. He always supported me, I wasn't going to let him go at this alone. Even on his worst days he came to my barrel races. He sat in a pop-up chair with a blanket and mustered smiles and jokes with all my lesson kids. My daddy saved his strength to walk me down the aisle and to dance with me at my wedding. Unfortunatly, the very next day after my wedding he started his down-hill decline. He suffered multiple seizure that left him without the use of his left side. I couldn't take it, as a daddy's girl, my life was ending as I watched his fade. Soon he was bed-ridden and could barely swallow or speak. He tumor had come back with a vengence. We found ourselves in the hospital again for another surgery...a surgery my daddy never fully woke up from. My dad was in the neuro ICU for 20 days. FOr 20 days I held his hand, wishing he would wake up and smile at me. For 20 days I watched his monitors until I was just about to go insane. He finally woke up enough ope his eyes, nod his head and to mutter "Bubba" which was his nickname for me. We knew....we knew these were the last days. On that day, the day we knew he wouldn't make it thru the night, we all took our turns with him. Telling him what we wanted him to know, that we loved, that we would take care of mom. He never cried. I asked if he was scared. He shook his head no. I promised to be just as brave as I held his hand one last time......time passed and the depression set in. The loss of my dad was more than I could bare. In the midst of it all, I had lost my passion. My horse sat in my barn. My best friend, my team mate....I had no desire to saddle up....until....that dream. That dream I had were daddy said he was happy were he was at and he showed me his nice new house and the new deck he was building. He told me to ride...ride for him...NEVER GIVE UP your dream. The next morning I pulled the blanket off my horse. He looked aweful....4 months of exercise got him back into shape and ready to run rodeos. We were at the pay window...holy hell we are at the pay window waiting for our check at a Pro rodeo. It was daddy...he rides with us =)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Northstar Rally

This past Saturday was the very first Northstar Equine Foundation Inc. Rally!  I have to say it was so much fun and turned out to be a wonderful event!  Jayne May, President of NSEF and a friend of mine did a wonderful job organizing and putting everything together!

It started with a "Ride In" for Northstar's Law. There were I believe over 75 riders/horses that participated to demonstrate the support that so many riders have for this law that will hopefully be passed. 

My eyes welled up as I saw all the horses, healthy and capable of being ridden, walking down that road.  I thought about Northstar and how much Jessie (Northstar's owner) would probably love to be a part of this all.  Unfortunately, he is still at OSU trying to overcome the horrendous act of a terrible person.

My camera battery died shortly after these photos.  Luckily, the news cameras were rolling and the whole event was captured on the Erie news.
You can view it here:
A new video was also released regarding Northstar's progress (I did not do this video, Wendy Bumbera was the creator).
There were so many chinese auction items it was unreal!

It is amazing how much support there is out there in the World for Northstar.  My kids had an awesome time chosing which items to put their tickets in to win a prize.  Out of all the items there were, my son, Shane, wanted to win the lotto tree!  He's all about more money!  He ended up winning the lotto tree.
Does he look a tad bit excited?  Unfortunately, he didn't win any money,  but another free ticket! 
It was really good to meet some of the women on the Northstar Equine Foundation Inc. Board, as I had only met Jayne and Jessie.  So to put faces to voices (that I've talked to a half dozen times or so on conference calls) was really nice.  It was a relaxing day and I think everybody that attended enjoyed hanging out, listening to the music, waiting for the chinese auction items to be drawn, and being in the company of others that love Northstar whether or not they have met him or not.
We raised over $9,000 from that rally!  I have to say that this organization certainly ROCKS!  Northstar is certainly in good hands!
I'm sure we will have more fund raising functions in the future to raise awareness for Northstar's Law that will hopefully get passed so that criminals that do such things to animals won't get put back out on the streets with just a slap on the wrist!  To help more horses like Northstar in the future and to continue to bring folks together who are passionate about these wonderful animals.  If you'd like to follow more of the story and updates, please go to
On the Dreaming of Three side of things, the Holiday/Winter shirt sale is over today.  Tomorrow I'll be placing the orders.  There weren't as many as I had hoped sell to help the Nolls, but I suppose every little bit helps and will perhaps give them a little better Christmas!

I really thought I was quite creative with this design too and that others would be just as excited I was about it!  But, perhaps I've just overdone the shirts lately.

So therefore, I've moved on to other items to raise funds for DO3.  Next up are the lounge pants! (with or without the logo on the butt for those that don't want it there)

These pants will help with rodeo kids, operating costs, and everything surrounding DO3/Team DO3.  We'll see how they sell for this first round.  I know for myself, I love lounge pants after work and to and from a barrel race! 
The Year End Rewards are rolling in constantly!  I'm so excited to draw the names from the charity checks that are also rolling in!  I think next year's "Year End Rewards" will even be larger as of course we have the breeding to Sinnsuous Firewater firstly, then we'll be a certified 501c3 by next year.  So I know more companies will step up to donate items with it being a tax write off. 
Speaking of year end, my local barrel racing organization, Penn Ohio BRA, posted their Final Standings.   I didn't make any top 5's, but I was 17th in the Open First Division and 9th in the Masters, which to me, isn't too shabby being that Sis was out of commission for about three months this summer.  The Masters class I decided after getting her back that running her in a class with only 10 or so horses, only winning a minimal amount, was not what I was after.  I was supposed to be running to earn money for the charities, and being that I can only run her once now with the bleeding, I felt I needed to run her in the Jackpot class with more money added and more entries instead of the Masters.  Therefore, winning more money towards charities.  It's a tough class no doubt to earn points.  Alot of 1D horses in the area, but I plan on keeping at it next season!  Getting our groove back early and hopefully having a full season to earn more for the charities.
This Saturday is the Forever Safe Farm Gala.  I'm also excited about this fund raising event for yet another one of my good friends and one of our animal rescue organizations.  I think it will be one awesome evening of music, food, fun and friend!  I hope some of you will join us!
Dreaming of Three and Team DO3 will continue to keep things interesting throughout the winter. I  hope you'll stay tuned!


Sunday, November 4, 2012

A Morsel of Hope

My mind constantly spins in regards to how to make Dreaming of Three/Team DO3 better.  It seems that is all that I want these days, more for the Team members who have joined me in "giving back" through their passion of horses & rodeo and more for the Rodeo Kids. 
When Team DO3 started, it was mostly my close friends whom I have known for years who stood by my side to help me through a really rough time.  Then, as it grew with more and more members, I feel like each and every one are also my friends as those I have known for years.  Some, I've never met in person, but yet I can tell they too share the same desires, passions and big hearts. 
 Last weekend my family and I headed to the All American Quarter Horse Congress in Columbus, Ohio.   My birthday is November 2, so I headed there thinking, I'm gonna pick out some really cool things for my birthday gifts. I came away with nothing for myself.  Not because I didn't like anything there, but because my mind was more on collecting business cards from companies with really really nice items that I thought the Team members would be really excited about receiving in the "Year End Reward" drawing. 
Although, I have to say, my shyness didn't really get me involved in too many conversations with companies there. (yes, shyness to those who know me and laugh at that phrase in regards to me!  With people I do not know, nor that know me, I'm very nervous explaining Team DO3, as I feel like they look at me like I'm nuts and why is this woman telling me all this! I'd rather people hear about us, come watch what we do with fund raising, believe in the organization and what we want to do-compared to giving somebody a sales pitch.  As I never intended for all of this to become a sales pitch.  It was something I alone was going to do along with the few sponsors that believed in me from the beginning.)   I collected more business cards and wrote more letters when I returned home.  I still haven't heard from any of those companies, but I don't let it discourage me.  I'll keep on plugging along, hopeful that eventually these companies will take notice and want to also be a part of Team DO3 in the future. 
A couple weeks ago, I thought it would be cool to have Team DO3 Stallions.  Each stud owner could sign up just as a member would, but instead donating an amount per stud fee.  They could choose however much they desire to donate to their chosen charity.  I also thought, there could be a "Team DO3 Official Stud of the Year"!!  Therefore, I called a stallion owner  that I would LOVE to be able to have a colt from someday!  (Just not so sure I want to reproduce Sis!  I love her to death, but would really like a horse that I don't have to worry so much about kicking.)  Jack Reddick was happy to participate and  I am proud to say that we HAVE a Team DO3 Official Stallion! 
His name is Sinnsuous Firewater from Oklahoma!  In 2013 for the "Year End Reward" we will draw from those members who turn in their charity checks for a breeding to Sinnsuous Firewater! 

I think this is a great benefit to being on the Team!  To have a chance at a foal from this beautiful talented stud! 

My next goal is to find a company (s) to donate a vacation for two to the NFR!  This will be another drawing from those that send in their charity checks at the end of 2013 as well.    So not only will I draw for the breeding, for the other great items (I plan on getting items donated just as I have this year through sponsorship), but also for the NFR trip!  (hopefully).  That is my main focus for 2013! To get my 501c status, and to acquire more sponsorships to benefit the Team members & the Rodeo Kids!

We continue to get new members and new State Team Captains!  Below are the current State Captains:
Haylie Burch - MS
Mary Elzie - TN
Carlie Hayes - TX
Brandi Reicheneker - OK
Brittney Barnett - CA
Andrea Cherwinski - MI
Heather Jarman - NC
Jamie McKinney - KS
Christina Rasmussen - ID
Emily  Miller - SC
Eventually, I'd like to have a State Captain in each state!  Even in Western Ohio and Eastern PA, as I can't get to those areas.  If you are interested in becoming a State Captain, please contact me at  Firstly, you must be a member of TEAM DO3 of course, and get your feet wet to see what we are all about. 

The State Captains we currently have certainly mirror my desires and passion for this all.  I can tell with all of their enthusiams!  It truly makes me feel like I made the right decision in handing the reins over to these members to grow the Team within their own States. 

My Kansas State Captain, Jamie McKinney wrote to me recently:   Thanks again for starting this whole thing, it feels good to be able to make a difference, even if you can't donate a lot, every little bit helps, and I love the fact that my daughter is more determined and competes even harder now!


This is truly what I wanted for everybody that joins!  For them to feel as though they are making a difference, as every little bit counts~and to have that desire to ride longer, harder and more aggressive, as you know you are out there competing for more than just yourself!  (or spending time in the saddle trail riding for more than just your enjoyment~you are giving back through your joys).

Next weekend is the Northstar Rally!  I hope it will be a great success to raise more funds for Northstar's care.  You can keep up with Northstar and get tickets to the rally at

Rodeo Kid #4, Aaron Amon is in the current issue of Rodeo News too!  (page 120)

It is a great article!  Dreaming of Three ordered a copy of the article displayed on a plaque for Aaron to always remember his night at the rodeo with Team DO3!  Perhaps when he's at the NFR someday in the future, he can give a shout out to us! 
So as you can see, things continue to happen for DO3.  Although I send out more letters of sponsorship requests than what I recieve back, I continue to forge ahead!  The spirit of this Teamis strong!  We will continue to hope for bigger and better things for the Team, for the charities, and for the Rodeo Kids in the future.    We have some wonderful fund raisers to come with our charities, State Captains have some awesome things up their sleeves, and we are on the search for our next Rodeo Kid in the Ft. Worth, TX area.    So stay tuned, as I will make sure that we continue to keep it interesting even through the winter months!
The human spirit is strong. It seems to run forever on nothing but a morsel of hope. Without it, you have nothing. With it, nothing else matters.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Fair Weather Barrel Racers

This past Saturday unfortunately was my final barrel race of 2012.  With the daylight fading quickly, it is to the point of not being able to get Sis rode before dark.  Typically, in the Spring, I am so pumped up and bored and ready to start the season, even though it's dark, rainy and cold out, I will strap a head lamp on my head and go ride!  However, next weekend we are going to go to the All American Quarter Horse Congress for a day and in November I have the Northstar Rally one Saturday and the Forever Safe Farm Gala so I wouldn't be able to hit any barrel races those weekends.  I know for a fact that I wouldn't be going to any barrel races Thanksgiving weekend either.  So that leaves the first weekend in November only.  So, I've decided it's time to let Sis have her several month break to recoup.

As my friend, Jeanie Bowersock and I warmed up Saturday night, walking around the outdoor arena, dark, cold, raining, we started talking about how with age, we are more "fair weather barrel racers" instead of the "die hard barrel racers".  In our younger years, we both would be outside keeping our horses fit in the rain, sleet, snow, etc..  We thought we were "tough" and "dedicated".  Now, she asked me as we walked side by side hunched in our saddles, hats pulled down over our faces, gloves and heavy coats on, "so, are you having fun yet?", and  I said "that is a BIG negative!", as I shivered, my fingers were numb and all I could think about was making my run and getting home to hop in the bathtub!   Instead of thinking we were "tough" and "dedicated" for being out there Saturday night freezing our behinds off, we both thought we were quite crazy!  We both talked about how now we do this for fun, not for a living, not to win the World, but for a fun activity to keep us fit, active and involved with the horses, sport and friends we love so much but when it's this time of year, we'd much rather be doing other activities INSIDE where it's WARM!

I did have a great run on Sis for my last one.  I won the second division, which as my husband says, I'm never happy~but, unless I am first in that First Division, I know there is room for improvement.  I thought we were smoking, but her time just wasn't as good as I thought when we came out. 

Beforehand, she was pretty "spooky" outside however.  Seemingly burning up a lot of energy that I ended up getting off for a short time and walking her back to the trailer.  As I did so, we walked between several cars as that was the only way back as cars were pretty tight, she spooked at something stupid, bucked or kicked at whatever she spooked at and hit her hoof into a friend's tail light.  So, $100 won that evening, and $348 paid out for her stupidness!  "Crazy Train" at her best I suppose.  Sean went into tell this older woman about the damage and he said he felt horrible, as she teared up a little.  He assured her though, that we would take care of it. 

I know certainly it could have been worse, but regardless makes me mad!  I will most certainly try to not walk her between cars if she is spooky.  I'll just have to find another way through I suppose.  She certainly keeps me on my toes!  What we do for these "good" barrel horses!  I felt like selling her for $348!!!! 

But, as I said, she had an awesome run and she worked her heart out.  Hard to remain mad when she gives me her all in the arena each time.

Notice her determined tongue out look.

Sean took some really great shots of some of the TEAM DO3 members as well.  (too many to show here).  I think it will be a great benefit to this local chapter of TEAM DO3 as when I'm at a show, he is the "official" TEAM DO3 photographer.  Every barrel racer loves to have their photo taken in action!  (I myself love to make fun of all my friends faces and hair in their photos).  I have encouraged the State Team Captains to try to find local photographers that can be their Official TEAM photographer as well and take pictures to email to the members as a benefit for being on the Team.

My good friend, Beth Penland, gave me a wonderful gift  that she purchased from Red Eagle Creations, who is also one of Dreaming of Three's sponsors. 

It is a beautiful rodeo shirt, blinged out and all!  I'll be wearing to Congress on Saturday to "represent" and to try to see if I can get some more Companies interested in one form or another in TEAM DO3! 

The silent auction that was an effort by Team DO3 member, Brittany Hall and her mother, raised  over $250 towards the Rodeo Kid Program.  Our next Rodeo Kid will hopefully be in January in Texas.  Our Texas Team Captain, Carlie Hayes will be entertaining this family once we find them.  This money raised will go towards purchasing their rodeo tickets, getting them dinner for the evening, and perhaps some other prizes.  I am most certain we will have plenty of sponsors giving gifts as well.

Right now for our "Year End Reward we have over $700 in prizes!  I'm very excited to be able to offer this to these people who are all giving back with their passion of horses and rodeo.  I know 2013 "Year End Reward" drawing is goin to be bigger and better!

So although my season of barrel racing has come to an end for 2012, I can certainly look back at this year full of true heart break and frustration in the beginning, true friendship throughout, true determination to grow and to go as far as possible with this organization, and true thankfulness to all of my sponsors who believed in me from the start.  I certainly hope I was able to make them all proud to be a part of Dreaming of Three and hope that all the Team members are just as proud!  I look forward to 2013 and all the great things to come!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Growing Pains

As Dreaming of Three continues to grow, I know there are certain things I have to "let go" of in order to have it be more successful and to be Nationwide.  I had decided several months ago (hard to believe when we've only been in existance for six months!), but I knew someday, I would need help in other States.  I knew I would have to hand over the reins to another Team member that has the same passion I do for what we are doing and accomplishing.  I held off, because Dreaming of Three is certainly my "baby".  It started from true heartbreak, grew into a Team from true friendship, and has grown into what it is now from true determination of wanting it to be successful and a well known organization within the equine industry and rodeo industry.  (perhaps that is thinking really large..but I hope we are a well known organization eventually!)  I could see that most the people I knew in my circles, most likely if they had an interest, had already joined.  I could only get to so many places in this area and reach only a small group of equestrians through local events.  Facebook, no doubt has helped others in other States find us.  Without that social networking, these Team members would have never found us.

So, after the Northstar stuff slowed down a little bit for me, it was time to concentrate on DO3 once more.  I decided to put together some "guidelines" in what I felt a Team Captain should follow and I emailed all the members these guidelines asking for volunteers.  As ultimately, I want it to be a person who has the same type of determination that I do for what we are doing and trying to accomplish.  I didn't want to appoint members that were in the States, as so far, we only had one in each State.  I wanted them to have the same pride as I do when I enter the arena knowing that I am out there trying to do so much more than win a barrel race.  Perhaps if they have also lost a loved one from cancer or heart disease, or that they have a link to animal rescue, Dreaming of Three will touch their heart just as much as it has touched mine. 

I had seven volunteers in the following States:

Brandi Reicheneker - Oklahoma State Captain
Carlie Hayes - Texas State Captain
Mary Elzie - Tennessee State Captain
Haylie Burch - Mississippii State Captain
Brittney  Barnett - California State Captain
Heather Jarman - North Carolina State Captain
Andrea Cherwinski - Michigan State Captain

I'm very thankful for their enthusiams on building their State's TEAM!  Once they have acquired 15 Team DO3 members in their State, they will be rewarded with a State Team Captain Jacket from Red Eagle Creations!  I felt that I wanted to do this for them, as they should be recognized as the State Captain at events so that people can ask questions about Dreaming of Three/Team DO3. 

Each Team captain was also asked to locate a local animal rescue for the Team members to donate to as well.  I felt that this would draw them closer as a State Team.  I hope it also brings awareness to these other animal rescues throughout the United States, as there are so many great organizations out there doing wonderful things!

I know we have alot to look forward to in 2013 with the addition of these State Captain's and the potential for more growth!  I have submitted an application to Tractor Supply for sponsorship and I am crossing my fingers they take notice of what we have accomplished so far!

We have raised over $3700 from Team member's reported donations, raised over $1600 from the Colorado Wildfire shirts, over $400 from the Oklahoma drought shirts, over $7000 from the Northstar silent auction, and over $6000 from the Northstar first round of shirts!  We are almost at $20,000 raised for charities and causes in just six short months!  Imagine what we'll do in a year's time!  Or when we get a full year of practice under our belts, and begin our second year!  I'm VERY excited for things to come in the future!

My new sponsor, Red Eagle Creations has made some wonderful shirts for some of our Team DO3 members! 

This shirt was made for Roz Taylor as she was opening up for Tommy Turvey at the Pennsylvania Horse Show in Harrisburg this past week!  She represented well, and even did a tv interview telling a little bit about her shirt and Dreaming of Three!

 My friend, Beth Penland also ordered a shirt for herself and competing at the All American Quarter Horse Congress this month in Columbus, Ohio.  She also ordered me one as well!  Thank you Beth!  Your friendshiph overwhelms me, from attending the very first Rodeo Kid night, from becoming a sponsor to help me on my way to raise money for the charities, from being the first member of TEAM DO3 and saving my behind when Sis was injured, taking my place to ride for the charities as I had sponsors and initials on my crosses I felt I had to live up to expectations, and from knowing how much I would LOVE this shirt!

I think they are pretty darn sharp!  It really makes me feel good that so many Team members are excited about wearing the logo, telling about Dreaming of Three and how proud they are to be on TEAM DO3!  I can see that all the time when a new item comes about.  Like the hoodies!
I have also decided that with November 15 coming up soon, and the Team members needing to send in their charity checks to me by that date, I wanted to have a "reward" for these members "giving back".  When I receive their checks, they will be entered into a drawing for the "Year End Reward".  I have added a page to the website with all the sponsors of this program.  Although, I do not have the value of all items donated, from the items I do have a value, I have acquired over $500 in prizes already!  I will continue to solicit sponsors that want to say "thanks" to these Team members for turning their passion for horses or rodeo into something to give back.  Hopefully, next year once we are a 501c, it will be easier to get donations for this prize package.  Ultimately, along with all the wonderful prizes, I want to be able to give a vacation package to the National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas in December!  (ah, I like to dream big!)

So once again, as I write this blog, I am amazed at all the wonderful things I have to write about!  There is never a dull moment with this organization!  (or at least I try to make it that way!)

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The wind of heaven is that which blows between a horse's ears.

As I added a new member today from Alabama, Cindy Kivette, and read her story of losing her sister to cancer, it really made me stop to take a look at this Team once more and read their stories/bios again.  Reading thru them certainly made me tear up with pride and gratitude that these people have  joined me in honoring their own loved ones or riding for the animal rescues through our passion of horses.

I've been so busy tending to the auction for Northstar, and Tshirts for Oklahoma Drought and Northstar, that as I added new members, I really never looked at how many there were in total.  We have 59 members!  We are starting to spread across the U.S. too!  PA, OH, CA, MD, MI, MS, MO, TN, TX, FL, AL, LA!!!  (I think I got them all, as being at home, I do not have my file!).  When I looked at how many states we are in, it made me smile, as this was the hope that I had once TEAM DO3 started to grow, that we would someday span the whole U.S.!!! Team members in every state, with Team captains in every state playing the role I have been here in Ohio and Pa.  I hope that these Team captains can organize trail rides, barrel races, clinics, Rodeo Kid rodeo nights, and spread the word to all equestrians in their own areas about what we are all about.  To be able to reach more families with children fighting cancer or heart disease and take them out for a fun filled worry free evening at the rodeo.  I hope that these Team members in other states would feel that same camaraderie of being on this Team as we do up here in PA and OH.  That even though alot of us are competitors, and we want to win, if a Team member wins or places, you are just as excited as if it were yourself, as you know that there will be more money added to the tally from their donated portion of that paycheck.  I know, myself, I have met so many new friends than ever before in my life because of TEAM DO3.  Typically, I would stay to myself at a barrel race with my own group that I knew well for years.  Now, with the Team and new members, I've gotten to know so many new and wonderful people.  I want others to experience that as well. 

Just imagine, if we have only 59 members, donating portions of their earnings, or pledging a dollar amount for time in the saddle, some members matching other Team members and we raised over $3500 in six months from just riding, imagine, if we tripled the number of Team members!?  Imagine if we had 59 members in each state! I HOPE!  As, Team DO3 is unlike any other equestrian organization.  We don't focus on just one discipline, nor age, nor gender~you don't even have to ride to be part of the Team as you can be a "matching member" or you could even be a Corporate Team member donating portions of certain sales to the charities!  There are no membership fees.  There are no Top 5 awards.  No Top Dogs. We all donate with pride as we watch our tally grow.  (anonymously, as I never reveal who adds what amount.  As youth perhaps may donate .50 cents, or a beginner perhaps $1~I want them to feel just as good as those that are successful in the arena already. The "giving back" is all relative. Taking a portion of that good fortune, and taking the time to think of others.)  We may have "rewards" for those that step up and participate in Team functions or activities frequently.  We may have contests now and then to spice things up. Mostly, however, riding for a cause, gives us a way to turn our passion of horses into something more.  This is our REWARD! As an Arabian proverb is written: 

The wind of heaven is that which blows between a horse's ears. ~

So, as some of us ride, and feel that wind, we know that those we have lost to cancer or heart disease are smiling down upon us.  That wind has perhaps brushed across their faces before it brushed upon our own, as we ride into an arena, ride onto a trail, or throw a rope at a steer (or cutting, or dressage, or jumping, or reining, HOPEFULLY Someday I'll get some of these riders!)

There are even several bull riders on this team as well.  I'm not so sure I heard any Arabian Proverbs about wind blowing between a bull's horns, but I know that those boys that are Team members only need 8 seconds to make a difference!  We are very proud of them and hope that more bull riders join us someday.  Riding and giving them that extra boost of knowing they are riding for a cause, to hang on those 8 seconds!  Perhaps Aaron's story, which will be told in Rodeo News soon (hopefully November 15 issue), will inspire more to join.  Perhaps we'll get a PBR rider someday!  Or member at the NFR!  Aaron, I'm counting on YOU!  When you make it to the NFR someday, we will no doubt be there cheering you on!

Aaron Amon, Rodeo Kid #4 and Team DO3 Member Bull Rider

In thinking of ways to make TEAM DO3 a great benefit as well.  I came up with the idea to have some clinics where Team members get first shot of participating.  Basically, I feel that to improve the skills of our Team members, it would better benefit the charities!  The proceeds will of course, go to the charities.  Nothing I do or come up with, is ever anything but to benefit the charities. 

Our first clinic will be with Sharon Camarillo, May 25 & 26, 2013 in Darlington PA at Snedekers Arena.  If you'd like to participate, just email me at  The cost is $480 per rider, which includes your stall with a $225 deposit to reserve your spot.

I surely hope we get the 14 riders for this clinic.  That is my biggest worry.  As I am not holding this clinic to make money, as of course I don't own an indoor arena, I have to rent one.  I merely want to give more benefits to members, to raise some more money for the charities and to have a great learning opportunity from one of the best in the industry!  We'll also have a Open 4D barrel race Saturday evening, where competitors will get the chance to meet Sharon and to win some cool prizes she plans on bringing as well as prizes I manage to get sponsored by then.  I really would love it if it would be a success, so that I can continue to find clinicians in all disciplines and do similar and donate the proceeds to the charities.  (instead of it being a flop and having to get a second job to pay for it all!)

I thought perhaps I could hold a annual barrel race some day to raise funds for the charities, but there are so many good barrel races out there, big barrel races, that I just don't feel I could compete and make it as much of a success with the little knowledge I have about putting on a big show, big barrel race.  So for now, I think the clinics could be a better match for TEAM DO3.   I've always felt, Team members should want to improve to win more, to be able to give more back!  So what better way to improve than to attend a clinic!  So, I guess wish me luck on this new adventure!  AND spread the word to other barrel racers so we can fill this clinic!  So that we can have a good Open 4D!  (I plan on at least $500 added money!)

I truly look forward to the next six months of TEAM DO3 and the exciting things in store, to meet more friends, and to inspire more people to join!