Making a Difference, One Ride At A Time

Making a Difference, One Rodeo, One Child at a Time!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

RIP Snowball

Unfortunately, yesterday, the vet called while we were at a barrel race.  All day we waited to hear something, hoping that no news was good news.  Just as I was tacking up, I looked at my phone, and saw a message, but decided to wait to check it until I ran Sis.

Sis ran awesome!  Unfortunately, one hole out of the money!  7th out of about 100!  For her first run of the season, without seeing any barrels all winter long, I can't be too disappointed.  Although, I really could have used the money to help me pay for the vet for Snowball.

I had a new bit on Smoke, so we took it slow his first run out.  I am not quite as confident in him yet as I am in Sis.
Shane took 1st Place in Peewee.  His first run of the year!

When I finally called the vet, she told me that he passed at about 5:30 yesterday.  Seemingly because of not passing anything and most likely ruptured.  My children were a wreck!  My daughter, Sierra, was hyperventilating as she was crying so much..wailing!  That is the toughest part..watching your children go through a loss of somebody they loved so dearly.

When we got home, my son started picking up all of Snowball's keep.  The vet said she would send a lock of his mane, as his tail she said wasn't good.  (not sure what happened to it, perhaps after he passed).

It's hard when something like that happens at the vets, as she asked me if we wanted to come pick him up to bury at home.  I had the same thing happen with Peewee in 1998.  Of course you want them home, but, for me, with Snowball, I couldn't bare the thought of getting his dead body and bringing it home.  Especially with the kids!  He is in our hearts, and will remain there.

Given to me by
It will be most difficult to walk in the Memorial Day parade this year.  (photo image above from last year's parade, where snowball was the hit, and we even won the trophy for best equestrian team!).  Now we will certainly have more of a reason to walk in the parade on Memorial remember Snowball, the little pony that raised my kids, the little pony who babysat my barrel horses at shows, and the little pony who had his own little mound of dirt in our pasture we called "Snowball's Mountain", as he would get on there, so he could be at eye level with the other horses and play.  That mountain will remain his and we will always remember the little white pony that stole our hearts 13 years ago and will watch over us from heaven above.

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