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Announcing the Winner of the A Cut Above Buckles Make a Difference Challenge:
Mrs. Jackie Harris of Pittsburg, PA
For her ‘cut above’ hard work and dedication towards helping sick children and raising funds for cancer Societies and animal welfare, “saving lives one ride at a time” through her organization ‘Dreaming of Three.’ (Scroll Down to see Jackie’s Story).
Jackie will work with our designers to choose a design she likes (or create a new design!) for her hand-crafted personalized buckle she will receive for winning the Make A Difference Challenge.
We were overwhelmed with amazing stories of many people who are ‘a cut above’. We were so inspired by many of these stories that we are going to award custom key fobs to 14 additional nominees who are also working very hard to make a positive difference. These hand-cut custom key fobs will be designed by A Cut Above Buckles Founder Andy Andrews and Vice-President Kyle Graff.
The 14 additional nominees receiving hand-cut custom key fobs are: Mark & Donna McCain, Brian Whitehead, Joe Powell, Paul Riggs, Michael Minix, Chance Long, The Riders of Innisfail Trail Ride Against Cancer, Penny Mitchell, Tia Borden, Pam Wolfe, Zac Peterson, Mark Drum, Stephanie Castle, and Justice Barker.
At A Cut Above Buckles, the phrase “A Cut Above” stands for more than just our name. We think it's a way of life- to do more, go farther, last longer, and be a little bit better every day. Jackie and the additional 14 nominees recognized have gone far above and beyond to help others, overcome obstacles, and work hard to make a positive change in the lives of others, their community, and society.
Thank You again to all who participated in the A Cut Above Buckles Make a Difference Challenge. Stay tuned for our next Challenge.
Jackie’s Story:
Jackie Harris is the founder of Dreaming of Three (DO3), a non-profit organization to help raise funds for Cancer Societies and Animal Rescues by equestrians donating a portion of their winnings to these groups. She started up Do3 only last year after she lost both her father and step-father only 3 months apart from Cancer and Heart Disease. She only started Do3 expecting it would just be her and small group of people, but it quickly spread like wild fire and now Do3 is over 100 members strong dotted all over the U.S. Riders and Rodeo Competitors from all disciplines are welcomed to join and may choose to donate in many different ways. Some donate through winnings, some through hours in the saddle or pledge per ribbon won. Others who cannot ride can donate by matching another members donation.
Do3 also holds numerous fund raisers to help animal rescue groups. After hearing about Northstar, a paint horse who was doused in Kerosene and set on fire, Jackie immediately set up an online Auction and over $7,000 was raised to help Northstar. The story was so remarkable that the Northstar Foundation was set up, to help other animals who have been afflicted with trauma from humans.
Another amazing party of Do3 is the Rodeo Kids Program. Jackie started this when she first started up Do3. The Rodeo Kids program is set up for State Captains of Do3 to take a child who is battling or won the battle with cancer/disease for a fun filled night at the Rodeo. The child can watch the Do3 member compete, and typically if applicable, the rodeo announcer gives a shout out to the child and the child gets to meet the Rodeo Queen, Bull fighters, and others. They also get to have dinner at a nice local restaurant nearby and are showered with gifts from members and sponsors of Do3.
Jackie's most recent large endeavor has been the Extreme Retired Racehorse Makeover Barrel Race for off the track thoroughbreds. Many Thoroughbreds are very capable of having success in the western discipline, and the challenge is to match 12 capable trainers with 12 off the track Thoroughbreds. After 100 days they compete in a free-style class and barrel class. The race has picked up a ton of momentum and is getting news coverage all over the US.
Now that Do3 is really getting on its feet members are able to hold their own Do3 Events to help out even more. For example, a local ‘See No Evil Benefit’ Barrel Series helps raise funds for the Texas Rodeo Kid Dominique McAllister, and what started out as a one day race has expanded into a series due the over-whelming response received from sponsors and locals.
According to the friend who nominated Jackie, none of this would have ever happened if it wasn't for Jackie and her endless task of "Saving Lives One Ride At A Time"-
“She is the epitome of inspiration and has done so much for so many in such a short amount of time. I absolutely cannot imagine anyone more deserving than her. She without a doubt deserves recognition for creating Do3 and making such a difference in this world.”
When I read through "My Story", I was brought to tears. You see, I have been barrel racing since the age of 12. Before that, at the age of 5 or so, I would count my pennies crying I would never have enough for a horse. So, once I got the pony, then the horse (that we realized barrel raced, wondered what that was, and was hooked up with Sue Bologna and I started with lessons from her at age 12), my quest for being at the top began!
Countless hours in the saddle, countless lessons, barrel races, and horses to try to find that perfect one! I'd dream of barrels..I'd doodle the barrel pattern, remembering all the cues I had to give, for that muscle memory advantage.
Even though I received a buckle for being on the PA QH Congress Youth Team, it wasn't one I won. It was one they gave because I was one of perhaps three kids that barrel raced at that time on the team, so therefore I got to go to Congress that year. I just never seemed to make it to win the Champion spot. Then, I was married, my husband stationed in Hawaii, therefore I had to sell the horse and was without for two years while we were stationed in Pearl Harbor.
Once we returned from Hawaii, I went through several horses until I found my "make it to the top" horse, Peewee! It was my Novice Rider Year in an organization called Buckeye Barrel Racing Association. Peewee had me in the top spots every time! I was winning that saddle! Winning that buckle! Finally! I was 30 years old, knew I would be starting a family soon, THIS I felt was my last shot to finally get what I had strived for all these years! I was on top of the World!
However, the week before Finals, my Peewee got extremely ill. We rushed him to the vet on Thursday night. Finals started Friday, therefore my good friend, Jeanie Bowersock leant me a horse she had to at least make my runs to try to hold onto my buckle, my saddle. I couldn't concentrate, my eyes were just filled with tears sitting in the holding pen. Peewee was the horse I saved for, Peewee was the horse that I had to trade up, add money to, to finally be able to afford him. I made my run Friday night barely able to see through my swollen, tear filled eyes and as I walked into the barn to unsaddle, I saw my husband. He was ill that weekend with the flu, so wasn't able to come out to watch, so I knew when I saw him, the news wasn't good. Peewee died. I dropped to my knees crying, sobbing. The big black horse I had ridden, Bubba, just stood there patiently. My friends gathered, and helped me get Bubba untacked. Needless to say, I was in no condition to ride well that weekend. My whole season just went up in smoke. (to me at that time anyway..it was what I felt was my last chance, knowing we were going to start a family and that family would most likely come first and that I couldn't concentrate as hard on the barrels~which at the time, I thought was the most important thing in the World!). Ironically, I had just called Equine Insurance to insure Peewee, cause I had the most money in him that I ever spent on a horse. They never told me I could bind him with a credit card. So when I got home that night, there the papers sat for me in the mail, to fill out and send in. Not only did I loose my buckle, my saddle, my horse, but also the $10,000 that I had in him. For me, that was huge! I never had spent so much on a horse! I kept adding to horses I'd trade to get better ones, and finally was able to trade one horse, add some more money and have my Peewee. So now, I would have to start from scratch again.
After having my kids, I always continued to barrel race. I actually bought that big black gelding, Bubba that took care of me so well for that finals weekend. I got a second job in the evenings to pay for him. I just never seemed to be able to hit those barrel races as consistently once the kids came along. Family functions, birthday parties, other things took priority while my children were small.
Then, (without telling the whole story again of how Sis came along), in 2011, I seemed to be able to get Sis going more, she stepped up her game, and that is why in 2012 I was going to hit the trail hard! Not for myself to win a buckle or a saddle, but for money for the charities, as SHE became my "make it to the top" horse that I had hoped for! Again, we all know that story as well, and how DO3 was born.
This past week, I was just telling a good friend of mine, Karrin Campf how in the past, as a teenager and through my 20's that's all that mattered to me, getting to the top, the buckle, the saddle, but after losing my dad and my step dad, and creating DO3,I realized how there are so many more important things in life than "winning" or being on the top. (I want to win now, but for totally different reasons..to give back..whether it's 1st, 2nd or 3rd..) I have received so many gifts from friends, sponsors, and people who appreciate everything I do as a thank you or in support for what I was doing and giving back. Those items mean more to me now than any buckle or saddle I could have earned inside the arena. These items were given to me because of what I do outside the arena! I wear them and know that the sponsors that donated them, had faith in my plan. I have so much pride when I wear them, when I see them on a shelf in my home or on my wall in my office. I know these items are very unique and special.
This buckle that I won from A Cut Above Buckles, will be worn with extreme pride! I can't thank Carlie enough for nominating me nor A Cut Above for choosing me. I thank them for awarding me my FIRST Official buckle! It may be in a different way than what I had planned at the age of 12, but, at the age of 44, I must say, this is a whole lot better!
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