1. Before TEAM DO3 existed, you went with me to Denver for the very
first Rodeo Kid rodeo at the Stock Show. I had no clue how to make everything
come together to give Amy LeClaire and her family a memorable night, but with
the help of Chelsea Toy (Barrel Racing Blog) and you, it was the start of
something very special in the story of Dreaming of Three. How did this rodeo
and meeting Amy and her family affect you?
Flying to Denver, CO with you was a blast! I was really on the fence about
going to CO. I'm REALLY a homebody. If it doesn't involve me going barrel
racing, I'd just as soon stay home and relax here on the farm. But years ago, a
friend of ours said to me "Sometimes you've got to get off of the farm, Beth!"
and talked me into doing something completely out of character for me. And this
seemed like another great adventure!
Attending the rodeo with you is a memory I will cherish forever. Watching
Amy and her brother's faces light up as the Rodeo Queens (There were many Rodeo
Queens at this rodeo!), clowns and cowboys came around and introduced themselves
was priceless. Having 3 children of my own, I understand how parents would
rather have the hurts in life happen to us and not our children. The words
childhood and cancer should never go together. I don't cry very easily but this
night really choked me up. I am very passionate about sponsoring for the Team
D03 Rodeo Kids. Chelsea was AWESOME about having all the rodeo folks coming out
to the seats and meeting Amy and her family. I had to stop and take it all in
and do some deep breathing or I was going to be a basket case sobbing in a
Kleenex that night.
2. I would have never in a million years asked friends or anybody to join me in raising money for charities through barrel racing on a consistent basis. However, when I was backed against the wall~and reached out to you to help me, you didn't hesitate. We all have gone to barrel races, whereas they are charity barrel races to raise funds for different causes through our entry fees, raffles, food booth, silent auction, etc. Team DO3 is a consistent fund raiser through donating small portions every time we earn money in the arena. What does it mean to you to be a member of TEAM DO3, riding for more than just yourself, awards, fame and glory~riding to make a difference every time you throw your leg over the saddle and enter the arena?
I had no idea that me saying "Yes!" to you that day would be the start of
all of this. It just goes to show that even the smallest gesture can have a HUGE
impact in this world! I felt so bad for you that day, at the race, when Sis,
your horse bled. I have had past experience with a horse that bleeds so I knew
that your horse would need at least 30 days off. I remember telling you this at
the barrel race and the look on your face. I hurt so much for you that
Am I ever glad I answered you a "YES!" I'm a good person but I am no saint.
I knew that my April earnings would enable to help you get started with
something you were obviously very passionate about. In the grand scheme of life,
April's earnings didn't seem to be such a big deal to me so I said yes to your
idea. (I plan on donating this year's April earnings to Team D03 also!) Today
I'm so proud of being the first member of Team D03. I love being able to ride
for Team D03. I am very excited about having a Team D03 rodeo shirt to race in
this year and help spread the word about Team D03. When I have a bad weekend, I
realize that my bad weekend is something that the Rodeo Kids would be thrilled
to have. It really helps me keep things in perspective.
3. What does your family feel about you being on the Team?
My husband loved the idea of helping you out and the idea of maybe a team
forming. It is because of him that I made it to Colorado with you in the first
place! He had to schedule around it and shove me out of the door! None of us
had any idea that Team D03 would grow to all that it has grown. Our son is
planning on Team D03 being around for a long time. He's already said this will
be his charity of choice in the future. Our daughters have LOVED wearing the
Team D03 shirts and tell everyone they know about how their mom and her friend
helps out with this charity. I think I have bought more Team D03 shirts than
anyone because each family member has more than one shirt and our daughters want
them all! It makes me feel good to know that I can give back by doing something
I love and that my kids have a great example about giving back in this life. I
believe our children are learning to pass on the good stuff whenever they can
throughout their lives.
4. Other than being my friend and wanting to help me with this dream, is there a personal reason that inspired you to be a part of TEAM DO3?
Ahhh... personal reasons. Yep. There are many personal reasons. First, I
thought what you were wanting to do in honor of you father and step-father was
truly admirable. I watched that journey of yours over the past couple of years
and my heart broke with each precious loss in your family. And when you
mentioned an idea of a team it was a light-bulb moment for me too. I could
envision it. Every little donation counts you know-- every $5 adds up. Team D03
is like a water drop which creates a ripple and the ripples reach out and go
from there. I'm glad I made a ripple here. And cancer sucks. I've lost close
friends and family members to cancer and have friends and family members
battling it currently. And heart disease sucks. I also have a family member
living with this. And animal rescue is awesome!
Give me a "T!" Give me a "D!" Give me a "O!" Give me a "3!"
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