Yestserday morning I woke up at 5:45 a.m., loaded Sis on the trailer to go meet my friends to haul to the vet in Somerset, PA. I got there, unloaded Sis, loaded her on their trailer, and we headed on our journey. We all were somber, as all three of us weren't sure if we were going to come back from this vet trip with barrel horses or retired barrel horses.
We managed to get 10 minutes down the road, and we got a call from the vet's office saying he had to cancel all his appointments for the day as his wife was in labor. So, we turned around, I unloaded Sis from their trailer, loaded her back on mine and headed home. (quickly, as I didn't want to waste a vacation day). Got home about 7:50 a.m., unloaded Sis and hurried to my car to drive that hour to work! Luckily, I made it in on time, so I didn't have to count a vacation day! However, I had felt like I was up and drove a million miles by 9 a.m.! shwew! The things we do for our beloved horses!
We rescheduled for Monday of next week. I am anxious to know the outcome and nervous all at the same time. I just want a report on her, so I can move on. Whether it be giving her a couple more weeks off, or if it's thinking about what stallion I want to breed her to as her career being over.
Shirt donated by Lope for Hope |
On another note, I am quickly getting all the items for Gabby in as well and thought I would share some of the wonderful items with you. Everybody has been very excited about taking part of the Rodeo Kids program and I am just loving it!
Donated by Britt Hall & mom |
Donated by Julianne Smith |
Donated by Cowgirlz Flair |
Donated by Jessicas Custom Creations |
Donated by HorsnHayes a personalized coloring book and crayons/pencils (front) |
HorsnHayes Coloring book back cover |
Hat from Cowgirl Swank |
Also, all the items that people have given to me as a gift, just wanting to do something nice for me for all my effort, has meant the world to me! All my years of barrel racing, I've never won a buckle or saddle. It seemed like when I was on top, fighting for that top spot and at the top of my game, I lost the horse I was riding. So the buckle and saddle has always seemed elusive for me. I've won plenty of awards through the years, just not the buckle and saddle. Now with Sis being down, I am watching the standings for IPRA and my name get bumped lower and lower and lower. Until I am sure I won't be in the top 10 or top anything! However, when I look at the things people have done to support me, generously given to me or the rodeo kids, it makes me realize that people notice all the hard work I've put into trying to make Dreaming of Three/TEAM DO3 a success and that they believe in it all. Those items are more meaningful to me than a buckle or saddle could have ever meant in the grand scheme of things. It's really made me realize, that I do want to continue to improve in the arena with barrel racing, but not to acquire a saddle, or buckle-but moreso to do more for those charities and for those kids that are fighting or who have fought cancer or heart disease. That is what is important now. To be successful in order to be able to give back more. So, I'm going to close my eyes to all those points, and just make sure I am succeeding when I do compete, whether it be pulling a check or whether it be just making more people aware of what TEAM DO3 is all about and getting more riders involved so that our Team grows!
A print given to me from HorsnHayes |
Note on backside of print!
Given to me by Sandra Whitcomb, after I described my "vision" of what I thought TEAM DO3 could be!
A calgary of riders, all disciplines, charing after cancer,heart disease and animal cruelty to conquer it-one ride at a time!
(can see my logo in the clouds! How cool is that!)
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