What a fun filled day and evening at the Central PA Rodeo in Huntingdon PA with Gabby & her family. What a nice family!
We left for the rodeo around noon, as I just wanted to make sure I was there and get the lay of the land before the Polizzi family arrived at 6:00 p.m. I wanted to touch base with all my contacts, etc.
The rodeo was quite in the middle of nowhere!
We arrived about 4:00, and right away I felt like a fish outta water. I had no clue where we were supposed to park. I could see where the horse trailers were, but had no clue how to get there. So, we came driving through where normally just the cars park until Jen, at the Central PA Rodeo recognized me and then stopped us and told us how to get around to the backside of the racetrack, the pits!
We parked, unloaded, and as I looked around, I knew not a soul. None of my "peeps" that I am normally with on weekends were anywhere around. Alot of smiling faces, and nice people, but none that I knew. I cleaned Smoke up, kids wanted me to put some of the gypsy tails in, put some glittery stuff on, and then fed him.
I wanted to get my entry fees paid and over with, so once the family arrived, I wasn't rushing around. The place to do that was pointed out to me, but nobody was there. Here lies the first thing I didn't know about rodeos. I texted Janet Kerr, saying where in the world are the people taking the entry fee money..she then told me an hour before performance they will be there, to relax. They did arrive earlier than that, so I hurried up, with my checkbook in hand as I always would do at jackpots on weekends, not realizing, CASH only! We were $10 short on the entry fee, and still had to buy the Polizzi's dinner. So, my hubby Sean, quickly unhooked and headed down the nearby Sheetz! As he pulled out, Grumpy (as I'll call this particular cowboy that parked near us. As when he arrived, he grumbled as he asked to borrow a pick to clean up the horseshit he parked by), Grumpy yelled to Sean, "Hey, you forgot your horsetrailer".
While Sean was out saving my butt, the Polizzi's arrived. I got them all dinner, and seated.
Meanwhile, Sean got the cash, paid my entry fee, and all was good.
Carrie, at the Rawhide Rodeo company brought over some wonderful gifts and autographs from performers and from Rawhide Rodeo! Sean and the kids helped me bring all the gifts from TEAM DO3 members, sponsors, family & friends! As I looked at all those gifts, I felt really good that I have been able to open up this door for all to participate, to show a little girl who is so strong and brave, that there are alot of loving caring people out here in this world. No doubt Gabby had tons of things to take home with her. Her siblings as well! Joe was thrilled about the autographed football! I'm so glad they had a large van, as there was so much stuff for all of them to take home!
It was then time to go get on and line up for grand entry. Smoke seemed a little spooked by some of the flag carriers, but luckily, Carrie, from Rawhide Rodeo came out with a flag riding her horse, and I was able to walk along side her, getting Smoke somewhat accustomed. Then the trick rider also came over with another flag, flanking me and Smoke, with the flags flying-so it was a good practice for him.
Once we lined up, Smoke doesn't stand still, so I had to continuously walk. As all the cowboys started coming over, I started to get heckled for the gypsy tails. I got, "Hey, you have something in your horse's tail". "Looks like diarrhea, better get that out". I shot back, "could you pick it out for me", none wanted to of course. One of the hecklers was "grumpy". I think about 4-5 hecklers were after me about those gypsy tails. Never realized what a "no no" gypsy tails were at a rodeo! My kids liked them, that's all I knew!
Grand entry went well, and several times I was able to wave to Gabby and her family (along with my own as Shane over excitedly waved every time I went by). Afterwards, I quickly removed the gypsy tails however! Saw "Grumpy" and let him know I took them out! He said "good!" Then, I headed back up to the stands to sit with everybody for a bit before my run. My hubby said I was pacing back and forth though, as I started up to stands, then back to trailer several times. I wasn't pacing, however, I had this feeling of Smoke getting lose. So I kept going and checking his tie.
The rodeo started, they announced at one point about Gabby being a special guest. Mike Short, Jr. came over to say hello and to give them some autographed cd's and tshirts.
Some of the other performers throughout the rodeo stopped over as well. It's amazing how when you open the door up for others to help make a child's night at the rodeo special, all the people that do not hesitate! This part is really what makes me feel great! That organizing the "rodeo kids" program, brings alot of the people in the rodeo world together helping a special child. Most of us are strangers in the beginning of the night, but by the end of the night we are all hugging each other goodbye, giving the kids hugs and happy we were all successful in making a memorable night for the Polizzi's.
Then, was time for me throw my leg over the saddle, and prepare to run! I was slightly nervous, but not too bad. I knew Smoke would work. He is a level headed horse. The chutes we had to run through to get to the arena filled with bulls, didn't bother him in the least. As I walked up through, I thought about Sis, and how would she handle this! (I knew the answer! NOT well!). We were able to get in the pen to warm up, which for me was good to feel the arena a bit, get Smoke used to the view behind each barrel.
Then, was time to clear the arena, and get ready to run. I was draw #6.
I didn't want him going in too hard, as I wanted to make sure he stopped and turned that first and crossing over to the second properly. He did well. I held him a bit too long I could see at the first, but wasn't too bad. The barrels weren't as tight as I'd like, but again, not horrible. Of course, as I normally do on a new horse, I pulled up before the timer, as they shut the gate. Not knowing Smoke well enough, I wasn't sure how quickly he'd stop with that gate closed, and didn't want him busting through it, getting hurt or hurting the men holding the gate. Better safe than sorry!
Here is the video of the run.
Was very cool to hear all the cheering! One thing that is alot better than a regular jackpot on the weekends. For a few seconds, you feel like a Super Star!
Gabby enjoyed it all!
Here brother, Joe, seemed to video tape the entire rodeo! And her sister, Danielle, also seemed to have fun and enjoy it!
Gabby also enjoyed Shane, my son! Once I got back to the stands, they seemed to quickly turn into best buds. At times, she was having more fun joking and laughing with Shane, than she was watching the rodeo! I teased her mother, Deb, that maybe next time, just a play date is in order!

At one point, my husband told me I better get to the trailer, as Smoke wasn't there. I was blocked in the stands, and couldn't get out quick enough. But, before I got out, Sean told me "Grumpy" came walking back to the trailer with Smoke, and tied him back up! So although, Grumpy was a bit Grumpy, he saved Smoke from who knows what! As there was a highway right off the rodeo grounds. I told Sean, "Great, now when I go back to the trailer, he's going to heckle me about my knot!" I've never had a horse get lose, so I have no clue what happened, my knots are usually good! But, Sean told me Grumpy loaded up and left! Even though I felt I'd be heckled, I felt bad I couldn't thank him for catching and returning Smoke safe and sound. At times, I have a "7th sense" as I'll call it. I kept "seeing" Smoke get lose, that's why I was pacing before I returned to the stands. And then, of course, he gets lose!
After the rodeo was over, my friends from my work that had also come to watch the rodeo and sit with us, along with the Polizzi's came over to say hello to Smoke. The kids each fed him a treat and got to see how large he actually is. I was wishing I had brought Snowball, my mascot. I just didn't think there would be the opportunity for everybody to come over to say hello to the animals. Perhaps next time.
All in all, Smoke's first rodeo, my first IPRA Rodeo, and my first "Rodeo Kids" program while competing went really well! I feel that everybody had a blast! I realized however, that competing while having a Rodeo Kid family with me, is a little bit harder than just going to watch. I haven't quite determined if I prefer it one way over the other. As I didn't get to spend much time with Gabby, with grand entry, running, etc. I really enjoyed being able to see everything that was happening with Amy & Trenton. With Gabby, I missed the announcement, several performers coming over to say hello to them, etc. (although all is on video). Of course, I wanted to get my first IPRA rodeo under my belt, and I feel that because my priorities are now changed with how I view rodeos-I was able to relax a bit more once I arrived and the Polizzi's arrived. As for last night's rodeo, I wasn't so worried about knocking a barrel or being the fastest (yes, I would have liked to have been the fastest, but I'll gain confidence over time), my biggest concern was Gabby. My smiles came from Gabby last night. Knowing I was able to wave to her in grand entry, knowing she was hooting and hollering for me as I ran and that I had a descent run for my first, and knowing she was just having the time of her life, at her very first rodeo! I hope, that Dreaming of Three has introduced her and her family to something that they will continue to attend and enjoy for he rest of their lives--the best sport in America, Rodeo!
Gabby Polizzi & Jackie Harris, Central PA Rodeo June 16, 2012 |