Several months ago, before TEAM DO3 was even in existance, I had decided that me, kids and hubby would walk in the parade representing Dreaming of Three with tshirts and Snowball, my mascot. They had always wanted to walk in the parade with Snowball, dress him up and throw candy at the spectators.
Then, when a friend, Melissa McCorkle, mother to some of the Team members, emailed me asking if the Team was walking in the parade, I thought, yes, what a great idea! More Team members walking, we'd all wear our TEAM shirts! So that is what we did!
Snowball wasn't too thrilled with me at first, but then he seemed excited to walk down the street, visiting with the little kids along the way. They all seemed to love getting a chance to pet him!
Once we all got saddled and gussied up, we headed to the back of the line and waited for the parade to start.
We filtered in where we thought it wouldn't be so loud from the fire trucks, tractors, etc. As they originally gave us #12 in line, however, we felt that for the horses/ponies sake, it would be better if we waited. We did, but then still more fire trucks, ambulances, etc. filtered in behind us. Luckily all the horses/ponies did great!
It certainly was one of the hotter days to have a parade! But we all had a blast!
Sierra Harris
It was an overall fun experience for everybody!
Then, we loaded up the horses and returned home. Once home, we found out that the TEAM DO3 won the trophy for Best Equestrian Team in the parade! When I heard that, all I could think of was the movie "Christmas Story" and the old man saying he won a "major award"!
However, it wasn't a leg lamp! It was an actualy trophy! So our first parade, our first trophy as a Equestrian TEAM! The kids were very thrilled and all members that walked in the parade! (Melissa McCorkle, Megan McCorkle, Tristan McCorkle, Sierra Harris, Jackie Harris, Sean Harris)
Hopefully, next year we can get some more Team DO3 members out to the parade. As this year, was a little last minute as the TEAM kinda snowballed on me and I totally forgot I had planned on walking in the parade. Perhaps we can even walk in the parade and head somewhere to have a picnic afterwards. (would have to be somwhere that we can all park our horse trailers in the shade!)
To all the service men and women out there (including my hubby), thank you for all that you have done and continue to do for our Country! Without you, we couldn't do all the things we enjoy in life in America!
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