Well, I am officially packed and ready to go to Denver on Tuesday. I have Amy's package all together, a package for her twin brother Ben, and even something small for her mom and dad. Although, I am going to Denver for my job, my mind is mostly on taking Amy's family to the rodeo. I still have a couple things that need finalized, such as with Coors rodeo barrel man, but I think her family will be treated like royalty regardless. I really hope it is a night to remember for them all.
I am also very excited about meeting the executives from Roper. I think it is cool that such a company showed interest in what I am doing. Along with Roper, Brad at Star of the West has sent me photos of my hat that is almost complete!
To know that such a talented and successful hat maker, such as Star of the West, is supporting me, really gives me such pride! I cannot wait to wear this hat to rodeos and barrel races, and be able to share Star of the West's information. These are quality hats. These hats are not based on a "name brand", that when you dig deep into what the hat is made from, you realize that the hat is very cheaply made. They are custom, and they are quality, and I'm very proud to own one!
Also, Cowgirlz Flair is making me a couple more larger saddle crosses, as the initials keep rolling in. She does such beautiful work, I'm happy to have all of her crosses on my saddle.
I will not have my computer with me in Denver, therefore, I look forward to returning with some wonderful stories from the rodeo, pictures and videos to share.
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