Leading up to the big day, was quite the stresser however. I don't think more bad luck could have occurred for one Event. It felt like one thing after another was happening, that I had to put out fires. From one of the trainers backing out four days before the big day, a demo rider that was in the program telling me 5 days before Event she just couldn't make it, the American Flag carrier having a sick horse, poor Melanie May sick as a dog Friday morning and not thinking she'd be able to sing. I'm happy to say, she DID make it, although I know it took a lot of effort on her part. I know she just didn't want to let me down and I'm so appreciative for her coming even though she felt terrible.
The Friday morning news of my National Anthem singer sick, put me over the edge, and I sat at the computer crying instead of getting out the door as I intended. I was honestly winging this whole Event, as I've never done something like this. From the start with creating the sponsorship package, to the ads in the Program, to everything associated with getting it all together, it was all new to me for a horse Event such as this. I tackled and figured out one thing at a time. I've done party planning before, large parties, but a party is a party, an Event where people are coming to watch as spectators and be entertained is a whole other situation. Especially a live version!
We finally made it to Simmons about 9 a.m. and got set up. Most of the banners were hung Thursday night and tables set up. I had Storme coming in at 12:30, so I left the arena at 11:30. Unfortunately, her flight was delayed and not due in until 5:00, which I didn't know until sitting near the airport at a gas station. So, being numb at that time, I headed back to the arena. Storme commented on how calm I was, but I just told her, nothing was going to surprise me at that point, and I was just rolling with whatever happened. If I had to, I had enough barrel racing friends there that could fill in for a judge.
So back to the arena. Some more folks that were supposed to be there setting up, had car issues, and ended up late, and not setting up at all in the end. I went back to the airport to get Storme, drop her at hotel for a bit to refresh and prepare, back to arena, to make sure all was in place, and back to hotel to get Storme. By that time it was show time! So I didn't get to see all my friends that attended, as I never was at the door. Didn't get a chance to talk to anybody really.
All seemed to go smoothly, however, the time frame was way late. The Freestyles were taking a bit longer than I had planned. The demo's took longer than planned. The barrels pretty much ran as I planned, as that is what I am familiar with, running barrels and to run 10 horses, wouldn't take much time at all. But when it was 10:30, and we had 10 barrels to run, and Awards, I was panicked about people being upset. I felt horrible for the band, as I felt so bad they had to wait, as I thought things would be done about 10. Well, most people left as it was so late, so the band only had an audience of about 20 and they were awesome!
People would constantly tell me I looked stressed, I was just trying to keep my head above the water with all the things going wrong, and to try to do as you always hear "the show must go on". I didn't get the chance to really take a look at my dream happening before my eyes. To look at these 10 horses, that were having a second chance as they performed all that they learned the last 100 days. I believe overall it was a success, even with the late time. People seem to want to come back and they can't wait until next year! I will certainly start it earlier, and cut out some things to make it move faster. I have tons of ideas flying my way and a year to tweek it! There has to be a first of everything, and with that, things get better!
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Wilbur Wright piloting 1902 glider near Kitty Hawk, N.C. |
So, let's get to the winner! Lacey Tomasik won our first ever Extreme Retired Racehorse Makeover 2013! With one arm to boot! She rocked the house with her almost perfect score in her freestyle with an 8 out of 9 points, and ran a 17.4, giving her an end time with her handicap of 9.4.
Lacey's Freestyle |
Lacey Tomasik and her trophy saddle with judges Storme Camarillo, Patrick King and Haley Goodwill and myself. |
Tara Jones took 3rd, and certainly proved to be the favorite Freestyle performance with an almost perfect score of 8.75. The lights went out, and Tara lit up!
Tara plans to move on performing at many Events with her nighttime performances on horseback. She has been accepted to the equine extravaganza. So great things are going to continue to happen for Tara and her light up performances! Perhaps we'll get to see her again at our next ERRM!
If you missed coming to the Event, we are offering for sale the DVD for $10 in our store.
Hopefully, between the photos being sold once they are available and the dvd's we can raise more funds for CANTER and Bright Future Farms. As this year, unfortunately, we are lucky if DO3 breaks even for all the start up costs associated with putting this Event on. We will have the final numbers soon as far as what we are donating to the charities.
All in all I feel pretty proud of it all. My dream came true, even though the day leading up to it seemed like a total nightmare. With folks scanning the rescue sites, checking out the OTTB's for the next barrel prospect, it shows me my plan is working. To showcase them in a different discipline than what they are typically shown. I hope to continue to do so, with a bigger and better show next year, with things tweeked somewhat to run smoother, and to ultimately show them as great barrel horses.
I wanted to take a month off from even thinking about it, but my mind is spinning already with new ideas. Folks are excited and shooting me ideas like crazy. It's a good thing! So...onto 2014...bring on the trainer applications come January!