With 2013 coming to a close, it is always exciting for me to see all the charity checks roll in from Team members! Even though throughout the year, some Team members will report in their earnings and donations to help us add to the tally, it is nice to get those checks and to be able to mail them to each charity! We had approximately 50 checks mailed in this year, which isn't too bad I suppose. I sometimes get discouraged with the amount of Team members we have, compared to the charity checks we receive, but I certainly realize that we will have Team members come and go as people are excited about something and then perhaps the novelty wears off over time. I will certainly do my best to continue to make Dreaming of Three and TEAM DO3 an exciting and beneficial organization to be a part of as we grow in the future with discounts and fun things happening throughout the year! For myself, just being able to give back with something I enjoy so much is good enough for me. To know that all the hard work and effort put into it all has made such a difference in all that we have done, makes me smile every day, even when at times I feel like things aren't going as planned or that it is such an uphill battle, I can see we are making headway.
The winner of the Year End Rewards for 2013 are:
Grand Prize Winner:
Sinnsuous Firewater Breeding and more goodies: Rhope Rasmussen/Christina Rasmussen
2nd Place:
Vicki Smith
3rd Place:
Jeanie Bowersock
Youth Winner:
Megan McCorkle
Here is the video (as I like them to see that I am truly drawing from the check copies that they sent in): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcqIWZMEQK0
Also, over the Thanksgiving break,I busted out the Profile pages of the Team members for the new website. Of course, as I went through each member, one by one, I also realized some I have not heard from since they joined, and unfortunately had to weed through them all. We aren't a club where there is a membership fee. We are on the "honor system" basically, whereas, you commit to join and donate at least $25 to your charity of choice by the end of the year and by November 15 before Year End Reward drawing. We like to do it this way, as it is certainly more fun to add up your tally and donations throughout the year through your winnings or hours in the saddle by your pledges or however you have signed up to donate. We will keep it this way of course. However, if a member does not send in a charity check for one year, they will be put on probation. For their second year without their $25 mandatory donation, they will be removed from the Team. We do have tshirt sponsors, which we give each member a Team jersey with sign up. It truly would amaze me that somebody would sign up, just for a free tshirt with a charity, that is mainly about giving back, and have no intention of giving back to the very charity they sign up to donate to, but I guess some just simply forget. So, therefore, that is why we decided to give a little bit of wiggle room. We just hope that people that join us in trying to make a difference, are honest and really want to commit to helping us make an impact in the equestrian World with what we are doing. Whether it is by helping us cross post our tshirt sales during a time of disaster relief, or during a time we are taking a child fighting a life threatening disease to a rodeo, or tshirt packing, or our Ultimate X Showdown, there are so many ways to help in all the efforts of Dreaming of Three, physically and just by sharing posts that can truly help us in our mission! Or of course, just by doing what you would normally do every weekend, competing on your horse or just by riding in general and logging hours as your pledge.
Now on to Pookie! I had the chance to go and visit her this weekend! She is a true sweetheart! I wish I could see her every day and spend time with her, but I know, spending time with Patrick King, and us doing this tv show, is ultimately spreading the word further about the OTTB's better than me just bringing her home and loving on her and letting her sit idle all winter, as I can't really ride through the winter months, and my horses get that long winter off.
It is amazing what Pat has done with Pookie with just a month off the track! I cannot wait for the first episode to be finished for everybody to see what an amazing horse and what an amazing breed she is! I do believe that Pat is even ready to start his own search to get one of his own too!
After Pat rode her around some, showing some of her new moves, he asked if my shoes had heels. I hadn't really planned on riding, as we had just done some Christmas shopping, but I wasn't about to say no! So I threw my leg over her and finally got to ride my very first OTTB! She was so comfortable to ride. Very responsive. I even trotted her through the pattern! So smooth! I cannot wait for the future with her! I know my son, Shane, is already hoping to call Pookie his own after he grows out of his current pony/horse, even though he wants to keep both!
We did get some video of that first trot through!
I do believe that our strategy is working though, as I have had several friends contact me looking for a prospect and have been helping to find an OTTB for them! So slowly, but surely we are making progress! With the X Project, showing people the steps needed to take an off the track Thoroughbred directly from the track to their next career, whether it be barrel racing, or simply a trail horse, this will be something that anybody can follow! To make the every day horse owner comfortable with the Thoroughbred and to know that they are such an awesome breed of horse that can ultimately do anything you ask of them as long as you pick the proper confirmation for what job you are looking to do with them. I am certainly not a professional barrel racer, I don't barrel race for a living (unfortunately), I come to an office and work 9-5 instead. Therefore, I have many friends who actually train and barrel race for a living, just as I am sure most people who barrel race for a hobby do as well. Or, if you show jump for a hobby, you have your handful of professionals you know as well. These are the folks to help you in your choice when searching for that prospect. Of course, make sure they are sound and that their confirmation is what you need, then you are ready to mold them into anything you desire, just like any other horse. I keep hearing "crazy Thoroughbred", and once you see Pookie, she will change your mind! I cannot wait! She is certainly my perfect Poster Child and Covergirl no doubt and she loves the spotlight as well!
I do believe this project is certainly needed now more than ever. I heard some sad news recently about one of the horses that I had on my list to go and take a look at to be the poster child for this project. He looked a lot like Pookie, and was well suited for the job, however, the week that I was to go look at him, the others were being offered to me as a donation, and I felt with all that was needed to be spent to get this project up and running, I had to be smart about things for myself and my family and look at the ones being offered as a donation first. The gelding I was to go look at, unfortunately, I heard was taken on a truck that was headed to Mexico for the slaughter house. So close to being the Poster Child for this project, and yet he ended up with that fate instead. I feel if we can continue to show that these horses can do anything, even in the Western disciplines, and of course with the other organizations such as the Retired Racehorse Training Project, and all the rescues out there showcases these beautiful horses, there will be less and less horses that are perfectly suited for wonderful futures headed to slaughter. I am in the middle of the book, The Eighty Dollar Champion, the story about Snowman, and how he was on that very truck, headed to slaughter, and I think about how fortunate he was to be saved.
It was a risk I we took last year, putting on the Extreme Retired Racehorse Makeover Barrel Race, and we did catch a lot of heat in the industry and even in some publications over it, but I do believe we have turned that corner, and more and more folks are coming out of the woodwork telling us their story about their OTTB's success in the barrel racing arena's. The new Thoroughbred Barrel Racing Association is underway as well! So things are looking up, and we will continue to push forward, to help these beautiful, well bred horses, have a better future after their career on the track is over.
Friday, December 20, 2013
Sunday, November 17, 2013
I Now Feel A Part of It All
When I first came up with the idea of having a barrel race to give horses a second chance, there was no specific breed in mind. As things progressed, and the Extreme Retired Racehorse Makeover became a reality, of course the Off The Track Thoroughbred (OTTB) was the highlight. Of course, I did not own a OTTB. Although, after talking to numerous experts on OTTB's I believed in this whole concept that these horses could barrel race and are very versatile. That indeed we compete against them most every weekend, side by side, and do not even realize. One of my trainers in the Makeover, actually holds her WPRA card on her OTTB mare, Lindsay Jensen! So OTTB's are in the ranks of Pro Rodeo as well!
It was a little bit of a risk I suppose to be the first to put on such an event for OTTB's, but I was willing to take the plunge, to either be the laughing stock in the industry both in thoroughbred land and barrel racing land, or perhaps it be a success and ultimately do what I wanted, to help more horses find homes, to prevent more horses from ending up in places horses should never end up. I remember the New York Post even writing that taking a Thoroughbred and using it for barrels, was like taking a figure skater and putting them in the ice hockey arena! So, seemingly, we were catching some heat...but we kept plugging away!
I am happy to say as I write this post, that there is a new organization in the works because of the event that caught so much heat, because there are so many OTTB's competing in the barrel racing arenas already! The Thoroughbred Barrel Racing Association! http://www.tbbarrelracing.com/
I will hopefully be able to be a part of this organization someday soon! These last few weeks I've been on my own search for an OTTB! Not any OTTB! A "Poster Child" for the new, improved "Ultimate X Showdown" (name change due to Disney not liking the fact that we had Extreme and Makeover in our name". I felt that I needed to learn more, and the only way to do that was to own my own OTTB!
So let me introduce you to the beauties I looked at these last few weeks, and ultimately to the one I chose. First, I must tell you that it is a good idea to have knowledgeable people helping you to locate your perfect OTTB. CANTER is a great place to start! I had the pleasure of meeting and becoming friends with a CANTER volunteer when I first started this journey with the Event, Jen Ruberto. With her assistance and knowledge, she kept her eyes open for anything that would suit my needs. But, of course, wherever you are located there are many OTTB placement organizations that you can turn to that have knowledgeable folks to steer you in the proper direction. Of course, always, if you do not know the individual you are acquiring your horse from, get a vet check as well, to make sure there are no underlying issues.
This is Blue Soldier, a 6 year old Stud, out of Lost Soldier and Bedroom Blues. A career earnings of $56,223, with 74 starts. He is owned by Rachel Lyon and Lee Borgemenke .
He was certainly a beauty! My only draw back to studly was that he wasn't a donation, and I also had to get him gelded. With all the money we are going to have to come up with to produce this TV Show, I need to be very wary of what is spent. I had two other horses that were being offered to me for free for the good of the cause and the Ultimate X Showdown! But he is certainly well worth the money that is being asked for him, and a very sweet boy! If I knew I wouldn't be putting a pile of money into this whole project, and just simply looking for a next prospect, I would have certainly snatched up this very handsome boy! If you are interested you can contact Rachel Lyon at 3308533077.
Tempestuous One, aka Mr. T! Mr. T is a 4 year old gelding out of Stormin Fever and Cozy One. 28 Starts and a lifetime earnings of $13,574. Mr. T is owned by Laura Wiencek.
Pookie's Princess, the only mare I looked at! (Mare, another mare! I wasn't even too thrilled to look at a another mare! I've had to put up with Sis for 10 years! I felt I needed a break from that! Even though I know that Sis has been my most gritty of all barrel horses, with the most try and heart that I've ever owned).
Pookie is owned by Dave Treharne, out of American Tribute and Pookie by Wild Again. She had 16 starts with a lifetime earnings of $17,928.
When I had called Dave to go out and look at her this past Monday, I had heard that the girls at the ranch rod her to and from the swim area in a halter and bareback. I wanted to get that on film for documentation. Dave said we couldn't that day, as he had her in a race that night at Mountaineer. So, I decided to do things a little differently. We went to the track to check her out instead.
And her across the finish line..she was in the middle of the pack in orange! (course you can't really see..but she held her own!..a little quicker for the first stretch..hmmmm..quick for the short distance.)
So, now, I had narrowed the choices down between the two. A mare and a gelding. Both very sweet personalities. Both great looking horses that certainly fit the "Poster Child" look! But, for me, not only am I not a trainer, I am not one to even choose a Quarter Horse for a barrel prospect for myself. That, I have only ever done through my best friend Jeanie Bowersock. But, I decided to hit all my experts in the field up with my two choices. I already knew Patrick loved Mr. T. But, as Patrick told me, he's not a barrel racer, and told me to get opinions of those who trained for the sport. So that is what I did. Again, I went with THREE of my "experts in the field". I already knew Jen's opinion, who I consider my OTTB expert. I always love to hear Heather Benson's background on bloodlines on each horse I was looking at, as she really knew her stuff on what horses produced polo horses, sprint lines, jumpers, dressage horses, etc. (Heather is from Back Forty Media & Marketing which is one of my sponsors for Dreaming of Three and she also works with Gate to Greats, another great OTTB retraining facility!) She felt that the mare was more built for barrels, and the gelding a perfect prospect for jumping. So, I shot the videos, and names (so the folks could check them on Equibase, see races, bloodlines, etc.) to my three people who had biased opinions on the two. (I of course respect Laura's opinion, Pat's opinion, but wanted an open mind looking at both. I knew Jen's opinion already)
Mr. T - Gelding:
Slew lines are hard workers and generally fairly sound.
However, I am told he looks a little more forward moving, downhill, as in a dressage horse. That he looks thicker, and is only 4. He has also been off the track for two months. Still sound.
Wild Again is a top sire of polo and sporthorses, known for their good minds and great physique!
Mare has just raced last night. No time off.
It was a little bit of a risk I suppose to be the first to put on such an event for OTTB's, but I was willing to take the plunge, to either be the laughing stock in the industry both in thoroughbred land and barrel racing land, or perhaps it be a success and ultimately do what I wanted, to help more horses find homes, to prevent more horses from ending up in places horses should never end up. I remember the New York Post even writing that taking a Thoroughbred and using it for barrels, was like taking a figure skater and putting them in the ice hockey arena! So, seemingly, we were catching some heat...but we kept plugging away!
I am happy to say as I write this post, that there is a new organization in the works because of the event that caught so much heat, because there are so many OTTB's competing in the barrel racing arenas already! The Thoroughbred Barrel Racing Association! http://www.tbbarrelracing.com/
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Some Logo Concepts |
So let me introduce you to the beauties I looked at these last few weeks, and ultimately to the one I chose. First, I must tell you that it is a good idea to have knowledgeable people helping you to locate your perfect OTTB. CANTER is a great place to start! I had the pleasure of meeting and becoming friends with a CANTER volunteer when I first started this journey with the Event, Jen Ruberto. With her assistance and knowledge, she kept her eyes open for anything that would suit my needs. But, of course, wherever you are located there are many OTTB placement organizations that you can turn to that have knowledgeable folks to steer you in the proper direction. Of course, always, if you do not know the individual you are acquiring your horse from, get a vet check as well, to make sure there are no underlying issues.
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Blue Soldier |
He was certainly a beauty! My only draw back to studly was that he wasn't a donation, and I also had to get him gelded. With all the money we are going to have to come up with to produce this TV Show, I need to be very wary of what is spent. I had two other horses that were being offered to me for free for the good of the cause and the Ultimate X Showdown! But he is certainly well worth the money that is being asked for him, and a very sweet boy! If I knew I wouldn't be putting a pile of money into this whole project, and just simply looking for a next prospect, I would have certainly snatched up this very handsome boy! If you are interested you can contact Rachel Lyon at 3308533077.
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Tempestuous One |
I LOVED Mr. T and fell straight in love with him! However, I knew I had to look at more than just two horses. My rule of thumb with everything, from getting quotes at work, or anything, is get a good comparison and look at three. But, I certainly could have loaded him up and taken him right home!
Patrick King also fell in love with Mr. T, and was ready to bring him back to his farm to start training. However, I had one more I was told to look at by Jen. Pookie's Princess, that was perfect build for barrels, and worth a look. So, I knew I better look before making my decision. Although, I hated to leave this handsome boy! But in my mind, I was ready to take him home (or rather to send him to Patrick, and start this whole X Project).
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Pookie's Princess |
Pookie's Princess, the only mare I looked at! (Mare, another mare! I wasn't even too thrilled to look at a another mare! I've had to put up with Sis for 10 years! I felt I needed a break from that! Even though I know that Sis has been my most gritty of all barrel horses, with the most try and heart that I've ever owned).
Pookie is owned by Dave Treharne, out of American Tribute and Pookie by Wild Again. She had 16 starts with a lifetime earnings of $17,928.
When I had called Dave to go out and look at her this past Monday, I had heard that the girls at the ranch rod her to and from the swim area in a halter and bareback. I wanted to get that on film for documentation. Dave said we couldn't that day, as he had her in a race that night at Mountaineer. So, I decided to do things a little differently. We went to the track to check her out instead.
And her across the finish line..she was in the middle of the pack in orange! (course you can't really see..but she held her own!..a little quicker for the first stretch..hmmmm..quick for the short distance.)
So, now, I had narrowed the choices down between the two. A mare and a gelding. Both very sweet personalities. Both great looking horses that certainly fit the "Poster Child" look! But, for me, not only am I not a trainer, I am not one to even choose a Quarter Horse for a barrel prospect for myself. That, I have only ever done through my best friend Jeanie Bowersock. But, I decided to hit all my experts in the field up with my two choices. I already knew Patrick loved Mr. T. But, as Patrick told me, he's not a barrel racer, and told me to get opinions of those who trained for the sport. So that is what I did. Again, I went with THREE of my "experts in the field". I already knew Jen's opinion, who I consider my OTTB expert. I always love to hear Heather Benson's background on bloodlines on each horse I was looking at, as she really knew her stuff on what horses produced polo horses, sprint lines, jumpers, dressage horses, etc. (Heather is from Back Forty Media & Marketing which is one of my sponsors for Dreaming of Three and she also works with Gate to Greats, another great OTTB retraining facility!) She felt that the mare was more built for barrels, and the gelding a perfect prospect for jumping. So, I shot the videos, and names (so the folks could check them on Equibase, see races, bloodlines, etc.) to my three people who had biased opinions on the two. (I of course respect Laura's opinion, Pat's opinion, but wanted an open mind looking at both. I knew Jen's opinion already)
Mr. T - Gelding:
Slew lines are hard workers and generally fairly sound.
However, I am told he looks a little more forward moving, downhill, as in a dressage horse. That he looks thicker, and is only 4. He has also been off the track for two months. Still sound.
Pookie - Mare
Mr. Prospector bloodlines are a fantastic sprint line. Although she didn't do much on the track she ran short and had a lot of speed.Wild Again is a top sire of polo and sporthorses, known for their good minds and great physique!
Mare has just raced last night. No time off.
So, out of the three people I showed the two horses to, not sharing my preference (even though I had already kinda fallen in love with Mr. T), all three of my barrel trainers came back to me with the mare was better suited. I am not saying I didn't love Pookie, but, Mr. T was that first horse that liked me! So of course I fell in love! But, I knew, I had to take the advice, and do what was best for this project, what was best for the Ultimate X Showdown, and ultimately for the whole thing, and go with what my experts were telling me. The mare, Pookie, was the one I choose.
Mr. T, of course can still make a barrel horse! OR, even a jumper! If you are interested you can contact Laura at laura@win-seekperformancehorses.com or 330-638-2255 You will fall in love to the moment you meet him!!!
To know that I actually watched her last race after I finally decided, was so cool! I watched her cross the finish line for the last time. So literally, she is truly Off The Track.. just racing on November 11, 2013.
I have known Dave Treharne for a long time, and trusted his opinion on her soundness with no known issues. I didn't feel I needed a vet check. Dave and Simmons Equestrian Center is also a sponsor of the Ultimate X Showdown as the facility in which we hold the Event. They donate the facility! So how cool is that! Dave is also an excellent horseman! Every horse I've seen that he starts on barrels succeeds! And he assures me that we will get Pookie a good start when she is ready and done at Patrick's! If you need something started, trained, or need a great facility for a horse event, contact Dave at 330-720-1832 or ropentrade@aol.com
So, once the decision was made. My anxiety started to happen! This was all a first for me! A Thoroughbred!??? Not a Quarter Horse! I know I believed in the whole thing through watching the Extreme Retired Racehorse Barrel Race. But, me owning one! I certainly didn't need another horse, that is for sure. But, just felt the need to do this in order to make the Event better. To be more knowledgeable. So, again, I am diving in, to the great unknown! Just as I did with the Event this year! I'll figure things out as we go I suppose!
Patrick King wants to do an online TV Show, The X Project! To show folks how to go about acquiring their next prospect for barrels in an OTTB. To help us promote the Ultimate X Showdown, to help people know how to go about this all, (for basically unknowing barrel racers like myself, only used to quarter horses!). He is donating his time to this project and taking on the cause full force for the good of the OTTB's! We will need sponsors to cover production costs, and all costs associated with promoting this show. So, hopefully, we can get some support on this. (Again, some of my anxiety coming from this thought! But I am hopeful we can pull all this off! These horses deserve this!!! Deserve to be highlighted in this way!)
We compete against OTTB's all the time in the barrel racing arena and don't know it. Only those few people out there know they can go to that source for a prospect. If we can show more people how to go about this, how many more horses will get placed!?? Will less OTTB's show up at auction houses? I sure hope so! That is my WISH and desire from all this effort!
Yesterday was the day! To go pick Pookie up and take her to start her next chapter in her life! I was nervous. I bought her a new halter, black and gold of course, DO3 colors, in hopes that she'll some day earn me money to give back to the charities through TEAM DO3. Then, with barrel racers on it, to perhaps make her believe too, she is a barrel racer!
Then out to get her! As you can see in my face, just a total anxiety and nervousness! (I think anyway, not so sure anybody else can tell!) I'm putting a Thoroughbred in this halter, NOT a Quarter Horse! Totally new to me! I've never owned anything other than a Quarter Horse!
She loaded like a dream! And we were on our journey!
She unloaded like a dream! Dave did such a great job with making sure his horses behaved! As my husband Sean describes my mare Sis and me getting her off the trailer, it's like diffusing a bomb! I peek in slowly, unlatch the butt bar and hurry to open the door as she flies off full speed. I keep meaning to take her to Pat to fix that..just haven't figured out a way to get that time to do it! As it's a danger! And drives me nutso! Anyway, Pookie unloaded wonderful!
Pat worked her for a while on the ground. I was amazed at how well she did. Tarps, no problem. Right over them. Tarps over her head. No problem. She wore it like a ghost Halloween costume without hesitation. In Pat's words " She is a pretty phenomenal filly, for sure! What a pleasure it was to work with her.... she has some big things in her future, for sure."
Patrick King, Pookie & Me |
We will save the footage for our first episode! I can't wait for you to see! I want to thank our first sponsor, Lubrisyn Equine for making sure that Pookie has what she needs for her joints! I know she will no doubt excel having what she needs, as all my horses have done so!
If you would help us make this into a success for all OTTB's, to give them yet another outlet after their careers on the track are over, please consider becoming a sponsor or making a small donation to this project. You can find all the information on our Ultimate X Project tab on www.dreamingofthree.org. Once we get our first episode up, it will also be linked onto the website as well. Stay tuned!
What good is an idea if it remains an idea? Try. Experiment. Iterate. Fail. Try again. Change the World. --Simon Senek
Monday, October 21, 2013
How Did I Get Here
Recently, while getting my hair done, my hair dresser, who is a man, probably in his late 50's early 60's was combing out my hair asked me, "Have you ever paused and thought, how in the World did I get to this point in my life?". Of course, at that particular time, it was sort of humorous, because he was combing my wet hair, and seemingly he wasn't too thrilled with "where he was" at that time. He went on to tell me how when he decided to become a hair dresser back in the 70's, this was when he would go to parties, and there were hair dressers that were men, woman hanging all over them and he thought, "now that is the ticket!". Now he sat in his salon, his wife across the way, chit chatting to other ladies while they discussed nails, and all he wanted to do was discuss golf and football! Sure it was fun back in the day, meeting all the ladies, getting all the chics, but now, it wasn't so great! Now, decades later, he wishes he would have chosen another path for his career choice! I have had those times, where I've thought, how did I get here.
I had a similar thing happen to me several weeks ago, but not in a sense of it being a "bad" thing of reflecting back of "how did I get here?"
When my family and I headed to Baltimore, MD for the Retired Racehorse Training Project Makeover & Symposium with some of the trainers from Dreaming of Three's barrel racing Makeover, never in a million years would I have thought I'd be heading to a race track for such an event! As I sat at the racetrack, in the white chairs lining the racetrack watching elegant horses performing dressage moves or jumping, or demonstrating polo, instead of sitting on dusty bleachers and yelling "push" and "keep kicking" and "drive him!", it felt a little weird to me. Then, as it came time for our girls to get ready to hit the track for our barrel racing demonstration, I felt a sense of pride of what Dreaming of Three has become. To see Tara with her flag and to know DO3 has inspired her to ride for cancer in her performances, to see Lacey's smile as she turns n burns around three barrels on a horse that she never thought she'd want to ride because of the breed, and to see Laura on the very first of many OTTB's she's rescued and now has rescued numerous more all because of our competition creating a new passion for her. (I won't even try to guess at time of this blog entry how many OTTB's she has in her barn now!). You can read more of the Pimlico Event on the ERR blog http://extremeretiredracehorsemakeover.blogspot.com/2013/10/pimlico.html)
My journey up until this point didn't start with good. It started with heartbreak and loss to my family. So when I look back and think, "How did I get to this point?", I sometimes am struck with tears, and don't like to go back to those days. But along the way, through deciding to not just sit back and do nothing, to mourn with others like myself, to give back through the horses we love so much, it has brought so many wonderful new friends into my life. I've learned so much more about the horse World, learned how many people out there are willing to give so much of themselves to help others, to help animals and to help make a difference with nothing in it for themselves. So, I am very happy with the "here", and the thought of how much further it can go!
Currently, we are in the middle of a fund raiser for South Dakota. About a week and a half ago one of my Team members sent me a message asking me, "What are we doing for South Dakota?". Then another friend, sent me the same message. Dreaming of Three is now known to spring into action when disasters strike the U.S. and horses or livestock are involved. I hadn't heard anything, as I typically do not watch much television it seems at night until winter. So I was unaware of anything happening in South Dakota. But, the Atlas Blizzard wasn't even on the news much either. So I started searching the internet and found what had happened there and the massive loss of cattle and horses and felt we needed to do something for those folks there. When I first started this journey, it was just myself wanting to get my rodeo card, that I wanted all my life and donate back to the charities. I needed a new hat. So, I thought I'd try to get some sponsors. I, of course, was (and still am) a nobody in the barrel racing World, but Brad at Star of the West Hat Company was one of my first sponsors and supporters regardless of who I was, he believed in me and my mission! Brad's shop is in South Dakota, he and his family have lost several head of cattle, therefore this cause was certainly near and dear, as I actually knew somebody living there. We quickly started with a design for a shirt. I researched, and waited to see if there would be a fund set up for the ranchers who lost everything.
The funds from the shirt sales will go to the Ranchers Relief Fund. Team DO3 member Sandra Whitcomb of course helped design the artwork for the shirt. However, her original art couldn't be used with the shading. So the print shop had to use different graphics. Her reproduction of the original is up for auction on our silent auction on our Facebook page, which ends October 25. The support we received for the ranchers is overwhelming! I am trying to keep up by sorting orders in the evening and grouping in sizes. When I sort and see names such as World Champion barrel racers, Ed & Martha Wright, NFR bound Fallon Taylor and World Champion barrel racer Kendra Dickson, it makes me tear up thinking that America certainly pulls together to help one another in times of need! Even if our government shuts down, we can still come together by simple gestures to make a difference! I have no doubt that there will be over 500 shirts once I add them all up! Meaning, I'll need my local Team DO3 members to help me with packing and shipping! So, pizza/packing/shipping party! We do all the work ourselves, so ultimately, the ranchers benefit most. We pay only for the shirts, and the paypal fee from the cost the buyer pays. The buyer pays for the shipping cost themselves, which also covers the supplies. (some like to call it shipping and handling, I like to call it shipping and supplies, as I don't charge for my handling, my handling is FREE! But I have to pay for envelopes, tape, labels, etc. :) )
This past weekend, we also had a Saddle Up for St Jude's barrel Race in North Carolina. It raised over $1,400! Everybody seemed to have fun and our NC TEAM DO3 State Captain, Heather Jarman did a wonderful job for her first fund raiser! She is ready for her next in December!
Some of the photos: http://2dogsphoto.zenfolio.com/20131020
Coming up we'll have our See No Evil Finals! http://www.seenoevilrace.com/#!finals/cxy8
This series has been so successful and helped the family of our Rodeo Kid, Dominique McAllister this year! Dominique just visited the Doctor today and had some great reports.
So as you can see, Dreaming of Three continues to thrive! We continue to grow and succeed! So, how did I get here? How did WE get here as a TEAM?
I had a similar thing happen to me several weeks ago, but not in a sense of it being a "bad" thing of reflecting back of "how did I get here?"
When my family and I headed to Baltimore, MD for the Retired Racehorse Training Project Makeover & Symposium with some of the trainers from Dreaming of Three's barrel racing Makeover, never in a million years would I have thought I'd be heading to a race track for such an event! As I sat at the racetrack, in the white chairs lining the racetrack watching elegant horses performing dressage moves or jumping, or demonstrating polo, instead of sitting on dusty bleachers and yelling "push" and "keep kicking" and "drive him!", it felt a little weird to me. Then, as it came time for our girls to get ready to hit the track for our barrel racing demonstration, I felt a sense of pride of what Dreaming of Three has become. To see Tara with her flag and to know DO3 has inspired her to ride for cancer in her performances, to see Lacey's smile as she turns n burns around three barrels on a horse that she never thought she'd want to ride because of the breed, and to see Laura on the very first of many OTTB's she's rescued and now has rescued numerous more all because of our competition creating a new passion for her. (I won't even try to guess at time of this blog entry how many OTTB's she has in her barn now!). You can read more of the Pimlico Event on the ERR blog http://extremeretiredracehorsemakeover.blogspot.com/2013/10/pimlico.html)
My journey up until this point didn't start with good. It started with heartbreak and loss to my family. So when I look back and think, "How did I get to this point?", I sometimes am struck with tears, and don't like to go back to those days. But along the way, through deciding to not just sit back and do nothing, to mourn with others like myself, to give back through the horses we love so much, it has brought so many wonderful new friends into my life. I've learned so much more about the horse World, learned how many people out there are willing to give so much of themselves to help others, to help animals and to help make a difference with nothing in it for themselves. So, I am very happy with the "here", and the thought of how much further it can go!
Currently, we are in the middle of a fund raiser for South Dakota. About a week and a half ago one of my Team members sent me a message asking me, "What are we doing for South Dakota?". Then another friend, sent me the same message. Dreaming of Three is now known to spring into action when disasters strike the U.S. and horses or livestock are involved. I hadn't heard anything, as I typically do not watch much television it seems at night until winter. So I was unaware of anything happening in South Dakota. But, the Atlas Blizzard wasn't even on the news much either. So I started searching the internet and found what had happened there and the massive loss of cattle and horses and felt we needed to do something for those folks there. When I first started this journey, it was just myself wanting to get my rodeo card, that I wanted all my life and donate back to the charities. I needed a new hat. So, I thought I'd try to get some sponsors. I, of course, was (and still am) a nobody in the barrel racing World, but Brad at Star of the West Hat Company was one of my first sponsors and supporters regardless of who I was, he believed in me and my mission! Brad's shop is in South Dakota, he and his family have lost several head of cattle, therefore this cause was certainly near and dear, as I actually knew somebody living there. We quickly started with a design for a shirt. I researched, and waited to see if there would be a fund set up for the ranchers who lost everything.
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http://dreamingofthree.bigcartel.com/product/south-dakota-blizzard-relief |
The funds from the shirt sales will go to the Ranchers Relief Fund. Team DO3 member Sandra Whitcomb of course helped design the artwork for the shirt. However, her original art couldn't be used with the shading. So the print shop had to use different graphics. Her reproduction of the original is up for auction on our silent auction on our Facebook page, which ends October 25. The support we received for the ranchers is overwhelming! I am trying to keep up by sorting orders in the evening and grouping in sizes. When I sort and see names such as World Champion barrel racers, Ed & Martha Wright, NFR bound Fallon Taylor and World Champion barrel racer Kendra Dickson, it makes me tear up thinking that America certainly pulls together to help one another in times of need! Even if our government shuts down, we can still come together by simple gestures to make a difference! I have no doubt that there will be over 500 shirts once I add them all up! Meaning, I'll need my local Team DO3 members to help me with packing and shipping! So, pizza/packing/shipping party! We do all the work ourselves, so ultimately, the ranchers benefit most. We pay only for the shirts, and the paypal fee from the cost the buyer pays. The buyer pays for the shipping cost themselves, which also covers the supplies. (some like to call it shipping and handling, I like to call it shipping and supplies, as I don't charge for my handling, my handling is FREE! But I have to pay for envelopes, tape, labels, etc. :) )
This past weekend, we also had a Saddle Up for St Jude's barrel Race in North Carolina. It raised over $1,400! Everybody seemed to have fun and our NC TEAM DO3 State Captain, Heather Jarman did a wonderful job for her first fund raiser! She is ready for her next in December!
Some of the photos: http://2dogsphoto.zenfolio.com/20131020
Coming up we'll have our See No Evil Finals! http://www.seenoevilrace.com/#!finals/cxy8
This series has been so successful and helped the family of our Rodeo Kid, Dominique McAllister this year! Dominique just visited the Doctor today and had some great reports.
So as you can see, Dreaming of Three continues to thrive! We continue to grow and succeed! So, how did I get here? How did WE get here as a TEAM?
TEAM - A group of people with different skills and
different tasks, who work together on a
common project, service, or goal, with a
meshing of functions and mutual support.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Winter is around the corner!
It has been about a month since the Extreme Retired Racehorse Makeover Barrel Race. Although, I am somewhat enjoying having some down time in no planning, organizing, preparing, I am looking forward to putting the application out to all those interested. I continue to hear from folks that want to apply in 2014, so I have no doubt that we will have a larger number to sort through and to select from in 2014!
One of the things I wanted for the trainers that participated this year, was for them to get the publicity from it all and to gain clients and to get opportunities in the industry from it all! I am so happy to tell you, that most of them have had more inquiries, and more opportunities since!
The winner of the Makeover, Lacey Tomasik and several other of the trainers will be headed to the Retired Racehorse Training Project 100 Day Makeover & Symposium October 5th at Pimlico in Baltimore, MD! They will be part of the Western Invasion of Steuart Pittman's challenge and will certainly help bring awareness to our Event next year, as Steuart has a larger following. I hope we can continue to be a part of his Event every year with our winner and trainers to demonstrate barrel racing during his symposium. I think it is a great opportunity for the trainers and for DO3!
After the Makeover, owner of Sassy, Jen Ruberto, decided that Lacey and Sassy had such a bond and could go far, that she decided to give Sassy to Lacey. Lacey sold her quarter horse and will be continuing on with Sassy.
Read more of their story: http://offtrackthoroughbreds.com/2013/08/20/ottb-convert-wins-barrel-race-wearing-a-sling/
So now that things have slowly come back to normal in my house after the Makeover, I am able to get back to my own competing. This year, although with the rain, and being busy otherwise, I've only pulled one check. I seemingly am falling in that crack between 1st division and 2nd!
I have a few more races to attend before hanging the saddle up and covering it for winter, as with the fading of daylight after work, it gets hard to keep Sis fit. I refuse to take a her to a barrel race if she isn't fit, as I worry about her issues. So, she'll get a few months break most likely come November.
With fall and winter sneaking in, it's time to buckle down and get reorganized as far as being a non-profit. Things have been so crazy, that I haven't sat down to read books, or organize as much as I'd like to. I need to create budgets, come up with a plan as far as fund raisers, and all around be more organized. I have a great group of Board members who are willing to help when needed and I do believe we will grow with every year. Things just have happened so quickly, and I never expected what I started to become a "Non Profit" organization. I am so happy and proud that it has, but with non profits, things need to be run by the book and be organized. Therefore, that is my plan for winter!
One of the things I wanted for the trainers that participated this year, was for them to get the publicity from it all and to gain clients and to get opportunities in the industry from it all! I am so happy to tell you, that most of them have had more inquiries, and more opportunities since!
The winner of the Makeover, Lacey Tomasik and several other of the trainers will be headed to the Retired Racehorse Training Project 100 Day Makeover & Symposium October 5th at Pimlico in Baltimore, MD! They will be part of the Western Invasion of Steuart Pittman's challenge and will certainly help bring awareness to our Event next year, as Steuart has a larger following. I hope we can continue to be a part of his Event every year with our winner and trainers to demonstrate barrel racing during his symposium. I think it is a great opportunity for the trainers and for DO3!
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Lacey & Sassy in her new tack she won from Makeover! |
Read more of their story: http://offtrackthoroughbreds.com/2013/08/20/ottb-convert-wins-barrel-race-wearing-a-sling/
So now that things have slowly come back to normal in my house after the Makeover, I am able to get back to my own competing. This year, although with the rain, and being busy otherwise, I've only pulled one check. I seemingly am falling in that crack between 1st division and 2nd!
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Sis n Jackie @ Crooked Creek at 1:30 a.m. |
I have a few more races to attend before hanging the saddle up and covering it for winter, as with the fading of daylight after work, it gets hard to keep Sis fit. I refuse to take a her to a barrel race if she isn't fit, as I worry about her issues. So, she'll get a few months break most likely come November.
With fall and winter sneaking in, it's time to buckle down and get reorganized as far as being a non-profit. Things have been so crazy, that I haven't sat down to read books, or organize as much as I'd like to. I need to create budgets, come up with a plan as far as fund raisers, and all around be more organized. I have a great group of Board members who are willing to help when needed and I do believe we will grow with every year. Things just have happened so quickly, and I never expected what I started to become a "Non Profit" organization. I am so happy and proud that it has, but with non profits, things need to be run by the book and be organized. Therefore, that is my plan for winter!
Sunday, August 4, 2013
A nightmare of a dream come true
Leading up to the big day, was quite the stresser however. I don't think more bad luck could have occurred for one Event. It felt like one thing after another was happening, that I had to put out fires. From one of the trainers backing out four days before the big day, a demo rider that was in the program telling me 5 days before Event she just couldn't make it, the American Flag carrier having a sick horse, poor Melanie May sick as a dog Friday morning and not thinking she'd be able to sing. I'm happy to say, she DID make it, although I know it took a lot of effort on her part. I know she just didn't want to let me down and I'm so appreciative for her coming even though she felt terrible.
The Friday morning news of my National Anthem singer sick, put me over the edge, and I sat at the computer crying instead of getting out the door as I intended. I was honestly winging this whole Event, as I've never done something like this. From the start with creating the sponsorship package, to the ads in the Program, to everything associated with getting it all together, it was all new to me for a horse Event such as this. I tackled and figured out one thing at a time. I've done party planning before, large parties, but a party is a party, an Event where people are coming to watch as spectators and be entertained is a whole other situation. Especially a live version!
We finally made it to Simmons about 9 a.m. and got set up. Most of the banners were hung Thursday night and tables set up. I had Storme coming in at 12:30, so I left the arena at 11:30. Unfortunately, her flight was delayed and not due in until 5:00, which I didn't know until sitting near the airport at a gas station. So, being numb at that time, I headed back to the arena. Storme commented on how calm I was, but I just told her, nothing was going to surprise me at that point, and I was just rolling with whatever happened. If I had to, I had enough barrel racing friends there that could fill in for a judge.
So back to the arena. Some more folks that were supposed to be there setting up, had car issues, and ended up late, and not setting up at all in the end. I went back to the airport to get Storme, drop her at hotel for a bit to refresh and prepare, back to arena, to make sure all was in place, and back to hotel to get Storme. By that time it was show time! So I didn't get to see all my friends that attended, as I never was at the door. Didn't get a chance to talk to anybody really.
All seemed to go smoothly, however, the time frame was way late. The Freestyles were taking a bit longer than I had planned. The demo's took longer than planned. The barrels pretty much ran as I planned, as that is what I am familiar with, running barrels and to run 10 horses, wouldn't take much time at all. But when it was 10:30, and we had 10 barrels to run, and Awards, I was panicked about people being upset. I felt horrible for the band, as I felt so bad they had to wait, as I thought things would be done about 10. Well, most people left as it was so late, so the band only had an audience of about 20 and they were awesome!
People would constantly tell me I looked stressed, I was just trying to keep my head above the water with all the things going wrong, and to try to do as you always hear "the show must go on". I didn't get the chance to really take a look at my dream happening before my eyes. To look at these 10 horses, that were having a second chance as they performed all that they learned the last 100 days. I believe overall it was a success, even with the late time. People seem to want to come back and they can't wait until next year! I will certainly start it earlier, and cut out some things to make it move faster. I have tons of ideas flying my way and a year to tweek it! There has to be a first of everything, and with that, things get better!
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Wilbur Wright piloting 1902 glider near Kitty Hawk, N.C. |
So, let's get to the winner! Lacey Tomasik won our first ever Extreme Retired Racehorse Makeover 2013! With one arm to boot! She rocked the house with her almost perfect score in her freestyle with an 8 out of 9 points, and ran a 17.4, giving her an end time with her handicap of 9.4.
Lacey's Freestyle |
Lacey Tomasik and her trophy saddle with judges Storme Camarillo, Patrick King and Haley Goodwill and myself. |
Tara Jones took 3rd, and certainly proved to be the favorite Freestyle performance with an almost perfect score of 8.75. The lights went out, and Tara lit up!
Tara plans to move on performing at many Events with her nighttime performances on horseback. She has been accepted to the equine extravaganza. So great things are going to continue to happen for Tara and her light up performances! Perhaps we'll get to see her again at our next ERRM!
If you missed coming to the Event, we are offering for sale the DVD for $10 in our store.
Hopefully, between the photos being sold once they are available and the dvd's we can raise more funds for CANTER and Bright Future Farms. As this year, unfortunately, we are lucky if DO3 breaks even for all the start up costs associated with putting this Event on. We will have the final numbers soon as far as what we are donating to the charities.
All in all I feel pretty proud of it all. My dream came true, even though the day leading up to it seemed like a total nightmare. With folks scanning the rescue sites, checking out the OTTB's for the next barrel prospect, it shows me my plan is working. To showcase them in a different discipline than what they are typically shown. I hope to continue to do so, with a bigger and better show next year, with things tweeked somewhat to run smoother, and to ultimately show them as great barrel horses.
I wanted to take a month off from even thinking about it, but my mind is spinning already with new ideas. Folks are excited and shooting me ideas like crazy. It's a good thing! So...onto 2014...bring on the trainer applications come January!
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Countdown Is On!
Approximately eight months ago, when I decided to voice my dream that I had of holding a barrel race that would help give horses a second chance, I couldn't even fathom at that time that it would all come together and become a reality!
I guess after telling this dream to some friends and TEAM DO3 members, their encouragement and excitement helped me to move forward to the next step, and the next step and then next. I simply started with a date of when this barrel race would take place. I was told things such as "You know it takes a lot of work to put on a barrel race, how are YOU going to pull this off, do you have help." and "that date is already taken", but I moved past that stuff, picked a date and one by one figured out the rest.
Now we are less than a week away! My garage is filled with awards, decor items, tshirts, and everything else I need to create the image I have in my mind. There have been a lot of ups and downs through the whole process that is for sure and even some drama, which I do not like in the least. In the beginning, there was some back and forth from some potential sponsors. I imagine as it was a totally new idea, and we were going to be the pioneers for this, companies weren't wanting to take the risk of being involved, which I can totally understand. I was willing to try at least, if I failed, it would be my embarrassment. But if it turned into a success, it could potentially put Dreaming of Three on the map in the Equestrian World! I was willing to take that risk. I felt that if more people knew about DO3, that would mean more equestrians would be turning their passion for horses into an avenue to give back. I felt if it were a success, and we held it every year, it would help more and more horses find a second career and to give them a second chance. These two reasons made it a risk worth taking!
I think these last eight months, I have been so focused on making this Event a success, and although I knew we were getting some really big coverage in both radio, tv, internet and print (most recent article: http://www.wkbn.com/2013/07/27/horses-get-new-life-after-the-racetrack/ I have two pages now of coverage!) , I just didn't slow down enough to let it sink in. This weekend, things started sinking in! I am having some slight anxiety attacks at times thinking about it all. I wake up in the middle of the night, heart racing, unable to catch my breath. When I hear our host hotel is sold out. When I hear our sponsor and my local feed store, Hookstown Feed, tell me how a lot of folks from the track (Mountaineer Race Track) are coming into the store talking about it and are planning on attending. When I hear that we will have a live feed from Channel 27 WKBN, Youngstown news at the Event. When I hear some of my big sponsors higher executives are attending. I just cannot believe it!
The trainers are starting to roll in from out of state too, so that makes it all that much more of a reality!
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Me and Amelia Comar (North Carolina) at Mountaineer Racetrack this past Saturday. |
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Lacey Tomasik on Sassy |
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Lacey giving us all a heart attack, with her separated collarbone doing trick riding. |
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Laura Wiencek and Jessica Endres |
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Laura and Lacey (don't try this at home) |
Jen Ruberto, shown in this photo with Lacey (Jen owns Sassy), has also become a friend. She was right there in the beginning, my guru of OTTB's. I had to ask somebody that knew the breed better than I, to make sure it COULD work. Jen is a CANTER volunteer and works with a lot of trainers and owners to find homes for their OTTB's. She was totally thrilled when we talked, and as excited as I was and I certainly could not have done it without her!
The amount of support I've received from people I've never known before any of this, is mind blowing! Joe Coalter, my announcer for the Event, was another one of those supporters from the beginning. Joe not only was on board, helping us spread the word with ads in his Horsemen's Corral, but also getting me onto his "Horsin Around Ohio" radio show this coming week (will air Wednesday). What amazes me even more is a week and a half ago, Joe drove a couple hours to Simmons Arena to look over everything with me for placement of the stage, sound, etc.. I know full well he did so to put me at ease, as this really is "my first rodeo" for such an Event that I am the "producer". (Producer, I've been called that several times, but still makes me chuckle hearing it. To me, I'm just a barrel racer, mother, wife and a daughter who lost her father and step father within 3 months of each other, decided to do something other than just grieve by creating DO3)
No doubt this week will fly by, as I question "Am I ready for this?". I know I have the support of TEAM DO3, my husband and my kids and all the people I've met along the way who have supported me, supported this cause, and of course all the new friends I've made this year because of dream of mine. I hope in my next entry I will be able to tell all of you what a huge success it was, that we raised loads of money for CANTER and Bright Future Farms, and that the trainers involved got lots of inquiries for training and folks swarm CANTER or other OTTB rescues looking to locate and adopt an OTTB for their own. I have no doubt and am planning on "wrinkles" in the evening, things I didn't know, or even cross my mind, but I'm prepared for those and won't let them get to me. I'll deal with them, and move forward. The most important thing is that the last 100 days have been a success....we gained alot of attention, showed everybody the versatility of these beautiful animals and I know made more folks aware of DO3. Therefore, we have already succeeded.
I hope to see you at Simmons Equestrian Center in Negley, Ohio on August 2, this coming Friday at 8:00 p.m.! Come celebrate with us!
Monday, July 8, 2013
Imaginations and Possibilities
First, I'd like to apologize for such long periods in between blog posts. Things have gotten busier and busier with summer here. I find little time to myself to put thoughts to paper. But, I want to keep those of you who do not have Facebook updated on things happening with Dreaming of Three.
Second, I want to say I am so thrilled to announce we raised almost $7,000 for the Oklahoma Tornado victims through our benefit barrel race held in Texas, our Tshirt Sales, Cowgirl Tuff's silent auction, Clyde Saddle Club/IBRA PA silent auction and also a Team DO3 Stud owner, Jean Hovan (http://www.mhprimetime.com) who also raised $300! What a TOTAL TEAM effort it was! We sent checks down to our Texas State Captain, Carlie Hayes for Orr Family Farm and also Horse Feathers Horse Rescue who was helping alot of the private horse owners in the area. Originally she wanted to deliver in person, however with circumstances, she is having to simply mail the checks. Regardless, the money will get to those in need.
Carlie was also interviewed by Barrel Horse News in regards to our benefit barrel race, and it will be published in the August issue! FINALLY, DO3 getting some coverage in BHN!
It seems right after the Oklahoma tornadoes, disasters and a need for fund raising came at Dreaming of Three fast! From the Colorado and Arizona wildfires, to a rescue of numerous horses, dogs and cats at a facility that had horrible conditions in Mississippi! Dark Horse Rescue, our MS State animal rescue took in 22 of the horses from this situation.
See youtube video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0bqjor2GrE
It's really tough to hold two back to back successful fund raisers through tshirts sales. So I tried my hardest to come up with something different, perhaps not quite as expensive, but yet a way to get some funds to these causes. We decided to get some bumper/trailer stickers with DO3 logo and our phrase "Saving Lives, One Ride At A time" and also got together with a TEAM member to hold a fund raiser via Scentsy.
The link to the bumper stickers is here: http://dreamingofthree.bigcartel.com/product/team-do3-4-x-6-oval-bumper-sticker
And the link to the Scentsy fund raiser is here, just click on Dark Horse Rescue: https://alanger.scentsy.us/Scentsy/Buy/SetupPrompt
Christy Loflin also put out a call to help her hometown barrel racing association, Mile Hi Barrel Racing, in efforts to help those in need in Colorado by raising money for a fund that was set up for the horse owners. I thought instead of doing a whole new tshirt design, I'd have a period of time where any shirt in the store that was in stock sold during that time period, funds would go to help the special fund set up in Colorado. Unfortunately, we sold one shirt during that time. I truly wish there was a better way to spread the word other than Facebook! As Facebook has put a damper on things with only allowing several of the followers on the DO3 page to see our posts. Otherwise, we have to pay to promote. Well, for a non-profit, trying to raise funds and not make a profit themselves, for us to pay $50 for all of our almost 9000 followers to at least see and share our posts, that basically takes a huge chunk of the funds we just worked so hard to raise! So makes little sense to promote. So I have to rely on the ones who do see the posts to share it, and sometimes it just doesn't get far enough to help. I do think that rules should be different for non-profit organizations on Facebook, as we are simply trying to help others. (ok that is my rant on Facebook for now)
So as you can see, we continue to try and do our best when a need arises, but when they hit back to back, it's tough for a small organization like DO3 who is still "wet behind the ears" in non-profits, to raise huge amounts back to back.
In the midst of all these disasters and needs, I was contacted by an artist, Cameo Anderson, who wanted to donate a portrait that she had just finished to help us raise funds when needed. It couldn't have come at a better time! We decided for now to simply get posters printed to help with any upcoming causes.
It is such a nice gesture and was totally unexpected, so I am just so honored to be noticed by such a wonderful artist who wants to help "pay it forward" through DO3!
Of course, as always, I am constantly thinking of new shirt designs, some are successful, some aren't and I sell a couple, then need to print at least 12, so I end up with having some inventory of certain items. But again, I think it is all in the way I can spread the word. I must find a different avenue, I just don't know what that is yet! I know folks would enjoy purchasing clothing that helps others in need, especially those in the equine World. People can be proud of the DO3 name brand they are wearing as they will know they are purchasing it to directly help others like themselves.
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Saving Lives One Ride At A Time Tank http://dreamingofthree.bigcartel.com/product/cross-tank |
I also finally got around to taking some photos for A Cut Above Buckles for the "Making a Difference" Challenge.
I am truly in love with this buckle, as it has more to do with what I've done outside the arena, than what I've done inside. To be recognized for my efforts over the past year, is truly humbling. I certainly never did any of what I've done to win any awards, I just was on a mission to make a difference through my riding, to help others in any way I knew how. I am certainly going to continue to wear this buckle with pride in the years to come!
I suppose I am not your typical barrel racer as far as "awards" go, because the items I treasure most in my gear, have nothing really to do with my performance in the arena. Oh I have plenty of Top 5 Awards in my barn and trailer, collecting dust (never an award saddle or buckle though, as seemingly when I was at the top, something devastating happened to make me lose that top spot, like my horse passing away or kids coming along, or parents being sick, etc. I guess it was destiny, that my first buckle I won was for something other than winning first place in the arena, as it made receiving it so special, as was truly my first!) I have my old old old saddle that I bought probably 20+ years ago, that is one of my best friends and mentor's, Jeanie Bowersock's design. It's nothing fancy, I didn't win it, but bought it used, but because it's super comfy and what I know, and because it's stamped with her name and she's taught me so much, and has always been there for me through good times and bad (sometimes late evening sobbering calls because a horse was hurt and I didn't know what to do to supporting each other as both of us have lost so many loved ones due to cancer), I continue to ride in it. I sometimes see beautiful saddles, with tooling, and color..and salivate over them, but in the end, I don't want to give up my good ole' trusty saddle~with my best friend riding with me in every run.
I have a halter as well that another friend, Carol Ritter gave to me back when Sis was a Jr. Horse. That year was tough, with alot of great horses running. I hauled and hauled Sis, seasoning her, doing our best. But, we were always just out of the payout. At the end of the year, we were 6th and the organization only awarded 5. I met up with Carol Ann a few shows after the end of the year, and she had a halter made for Sis and I, with our names engraved. She told me, "you and Sis were such a great team, worked so hard, you deserved something". I refuse once again, to get a fancy halter, as all those out there are wearing now, with bling, cowhide, etc, as that halter, means something. It reminds me of friendship, and how hard Sis and I worked that year. I earned that one more for respect and friendship than kickin bootie in the arena!
Of course there are also all my sponsored items, from my cowboy hat in these photos from Star of the West hats, my saddle crosses from Cowgirlz Flair, my joint supplement from Lubrisyn, my tack set from KB Custom Kreations, prints and items made for me from Craft & Crown and Hors N Hayes art~none of these had anything to do with my stardom in the arena~I'm not saying Sis and I don't shut off the clock and have won our fair share of 1st Division checks, but these items were sponsored to me because these folks believed in me, believed in my mission of "giving back" through horses, and ultimately gave me more desire to succeed and to make it all a success because they did believe in me.
I have no doubt in my mind, if I wanted to spend every weekend hauling to barrel races that Sis and I would be in the top spots every year. But, instead, my focus has shifted slightly to such things as the Extreme Retired Racehorse Makeover Event, doing things such as the Rodeo Kids program and perhaps travelling down to Texas come fall to support our Texas State Captain, Carlie and her series barrel race finals to help raise funds for Rodeo Kid, Dominique. I find myself not hauling for points any longer, to be in the Top 5, but moreso hauling where the added money is, in hopes to win more to give back. I feel I have nothing to prove by wearing a jacket that says Top 10, or a saddle pad that says Champion. I'm not saying I wouldn't LOVE those items if I managed to win one at a barrel race and I am not saying I don't always put my best effort to win forward, however, now I enter the arena every time with much pride in what I've accomplished in this last year and half and instead just trying to win more money to give back, not to win awards for myself. I would have never imagined my gears would have changed in that aspect, as when I was able to haul alot before my kids, I was a "point chaser". I'd skip friends weddings, parties, family functions, cause I just couldn't fall behind in points for year-end awards. I have no desire any longer. I, instead, will chase more ways to help others~more ways to make a difference in this World, through the passion of horses with TEAM DO3 and all those who support the efforts of Dreaming of Three!
The only person you are destined to
become is the person you decide to be.
–Ralph Waldo Emerson
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Oklahoma Relief and more.....
On May 20, 2013, Moore, Oklahoma and surrounding areas were hit with devastating tornadoes. More than 100 horses were lost in total by various farms. One of the facilities, Orr Family Farm/Celestial Training Facility, took a direct hit and lost most of their barns.
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What used to be Celestial Training Facility |
My heart broke for those animals, who must have been so scared during that time. Of course I wanted Dreaming of Three to help. So once again, I called upon TEAM DO3 member, Sandra Whitcomb with an idea I had in my head. Horses, running in fear from the tornado, and then into heaven in peace. Sandra had some family in Oklahoma as well. She didn't hesitate and had me the image the next day.
She captured the expressions on the faces of the horses perfectly. Then, Dog Pound Printing created the tshirts perfectly.
The shirt sales will benefit the Orr's Family Farm to help them rebuild so that the surviving horses have shelter. The last I heard, they did have a little over 30 horses that survived.
Within a day of getting the Tshirts ready, my Texas State Captain, Carlie Hayes, got in touch with me to tell me her idea to hold a benefit barrel race for the Orr's in Texas. She quickly jumped to planning the Event! It is this weekend, and the outpouring of support we received for this barrel race was incredible! At present time we have $1500 added to the 5D, $300 to the Youth, plus Awards, PLUS a silent auction.
You can read more about this Benefit Barrel Race on Carlie's blog: http://txteamdo3.blogspot.com/2013/05/texas-for-oklahoma.html
In the midst of all this, Carlie also stopped in to see Dominque McAllister, our Rodeo Kid #5, who we raised funds for through our See No Evil Benefit Barrel Race held a couple weekends ago. Carlie presented the McAllister's with a $1,000 check to help them with anything through this difficult time. Carlie will also be presenting a check to Stacey Miller, who was the other recipient of this benefit barrel race, as it was co-sanctioned and therefore the funds were split.
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Dominique, his father Billy, Carlie and her son, Carson |
My family and I also, (reluctantly after losing Snowball-as this was Snowball's day to shine), attended the Hookstown Memorial Day Parade. We borrowed a little mini gelding, Spike, from a supporter of Dreaming of Three, Carey Wimer. She was very kind to offer him to us to keep as a donation for the Team mascot, however, we just aren't ready yet to make that replacement. The only reason we had Snowball, was because he was my children's first pony. The ONLY horse in the barn that I said I wouldn't sell after they grew out of him. He always came in handy to babysit the barrel horses when we only would take one or two. However, as we all have a horse that we take now to barrel races, Snowball constantly would remain home alone, and we always felt so bad leaving him behind. So, at the moment, we don't feel it fair to acquire another pony, when Sierra and Shane have outgrown them, and we do not have room on the trailer to take along. S
We also picked up Shane's old pony, Molly. One of our Top 12 Trainers of the Extreme Retired Racehorse Makeover, Celene Jedrzejewski came as well with one of her minis and a cart. The McCorkle clan could not make it this year, as Pat (the dad) was injured last week in a horse accident. So, we didn't have a huge group, (3 minis basically) but, we still made it. I really missed Snowball though. He was always so calm, and loved visiting the little kids. My kids really enjoy it however, as it's a fun day. Shane really enjoys throwing candy "at" (I always tell him it's not "at", it's "to") the little kids. He is like a celebrity, as all his friends from school shout his name as we walk through.
The Rhinestone Cowboy!
We didn't win any trophies this year, most likely due in part that my mind just wasn't there. We forgot to register at the mini mart store before we got into line. With this only being our second year attending, I haven't got all the procedures quite down.
Perhaps in the years to come, we could find some rescues with minis or horses to showcase in the parade with us in hopes of finding them homes. Spike is for sale, and with all his adorable pictures, I have no doubt he will find a wonderful home. So, that is an idea I can toss around for next year's parade, as my barn of horses aren't really "parade" fit horses.
As you can see, Dreaming of Three continues to grow, continues to make a difference in the lives of others and we continue to meet so many wonderful folks along the way through our passion of horses. I am proud of everybody who joined me in this adventure and journey. I always look forward to what is around the corner for us and what new friends I will make along the way.
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