This weekend will be my first barrel race of the season! Woohoo! I am so ready! I cannot wait to make a run. I haven't even made a practice run yet, but is usually the case every season. Sis doesn't typically need a practice run, she knows her job well. It's probably me that gets more of the jitters for that first run of the season. I think, "am I gonna fall off!?". as you know those muscles don't stay in shape over winter. Even just legging a horse up, you do not use the same muscles as when you make a run. Seems like after every first barrel race of the season, I wake up Sunday morning sore! Nonetheless, I am ready! Ready to throw my leg over my saddle, and enter that arena with the confidence that I have so many supporters, so many names on those saddle crosses to make proud, and a mission this year to to do well for all those out there fighting cancer and heart disease!
I also received my sponsorship kit from Lubrisyn today! So Sis will be starting that tomorrow, and I cannot wait to see the changes in her! I know for sure that she will improve! They also sent some for myself! So no more creaking and cracking in my joints! I have no doubt I will feel so much better! The clothing they sent is awesome! A jacket, couple long sleeve shirts that I can rodeo in, and short sleeve, and a hoodie to take along with me during those cooler evenings at the rodeos! I will wear their gear proudly! (photos to come as I wear at shows or rodeos).
I will wear all the things sponosored to me with pride, from my new hat from Star of the West, to the clothing from Lubrisyn, and all of it will be a reminder to me of how I have such support and people out there believing in me. It's what I need to succeed no doubt!
So if you are in the Eastern Ohio area, stop on out to Simmons Equestrian Center in Negley Saturday-as I will be there, ready to rock n roll! I will also have a table set up with information on Lubrisyn, Star of the West, and some other sponsors as well. I'll have my shirts for sale, and also the mug that Amy LeClaire created for me to raise more funds to take more families to more rodoes. Stop on over and say hello, I'd love to meet you!
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
News on Trenton Noll-Please keep him in your prayers.
From Mena Noll, Trenton's Mom:
Just to keep everyone posted, Trenton had an MRI yesterday and after the doctors reviewed the scans they feel that although there was a slight growth of the tumor and of the cyst on the tumor that overall he is stable. Sometimes it is difficult for them to measure the tumor in the same exact manner each time so their overall view of the tumor still shows that the tumor is less enhanced than October which would indicate that that his current meds are working. At this point we will stay the course with his current treatment on this experimental drug. Trenton’s overall health is very stable at this point and as always he continues to amaze me each and every day with his strength and abilities.
As we approach four years since Trenton was diagnosed I take time to reflect on all that he and this family has gone through. As I have said so many times the gift that Trenton has given this family is amazing. Many of us float through life looking for meaning, for understanding, for purpose. We take days, weeks, months, even years for granted as a given. We lose outlook and focus on individuals, friends, even family as we get caught up in our day to day lives. During the first two years of Trenton’s diagnosis our family seemed to just keep our heads above water so to speak. Having young children is work, but having a young child with health issues is more difficult. It has been the last two years that I can truly say I have experienced what true meaning there is to this gift called life through my experiences with Trenton. Even over the last few months I have learned so much and how amazing God and faith can be. Knowing that Trenton is ill, knowing that his time may be short but yet watching this child love and appreciate all that he is given with such passion is beyond words. Those who get the opportunity to really know him and be with him will tell you that he changes you in ways that you cannot imagine. Every day he reminds me of how great life is, you just have to slow down and appreciate it. He giggles and gives such huge hugs and kisses and praises over the small things.
Every night he tells me this was the best dinner ever and he is truly convinced it is. One evening my oldest son said “Trenton you say that every night, how can it always be the best dinner ever?” Trenton’s reply was simple, “Bryce, it really just is”. I thought about that simple statement through the eyes of a child, “It really just is”. For Trenton he appreciates each day, to him everything that day is the best, and every new day it just gets better, what an amazing outlook, something we should all try. I have gained a new respect and love for so many things keeping that outlook in mind. As we continue on this journey I continue to pray for Trenton to have the opportunities that so many of us take as a given, our health, our ability to grow up, our ability to enjoy a lifetime of all that God has created. Time will tell what his future will hold, but for today I will enjoy him and all that he gives me. Thank you all for your continued support and prayers.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
New Sponsor for the Rodeo Kids
I received a gift for Trenton today in the mail from Marty, at the Salty Cowgirl! Thanks Marty! I love how people come together to make a special little boy's night at the rodeo a memorable time!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Dreaming BIG!
Keep your heart open to dreams. For as long as there's a dream, there is hope, and as long as there is hope, there is joy in living.-anonymous
This past weekend, my family and I took a drive up to Geneva on the Lake. A place, that as a child, my father would take me in the summer every year. AKA: GOTL. I remember even rescuing a turtle trying to cross the highway on the way up to Geneva one year, and I named that turtle GOTL. We let GOTL loose on our way back home, in a safer place of course.
Geneva-on-the-Lake calls itself "Ohio's First Summer Resort." The fun started in 1869 when the first carnival park, "Sturgeon Point" was built. In the early 1900s, Midwest inventors and businessmen, John D. Rockefeller, Henry Ford, and Harvey Firestone, chose the spot to spend camping weekends. Gradually, tents gave way to cabins and cottages, but the site still retains its humble, accessible appeal.
Those weeks in the summer, were some of the most memorable weeks of my childhood. The drive up to Geneva alone, was always entertaining to me, as the Amish lived in the area. So lots of horse and buggies to pass and wave to along the way. My cousins, (rather 2nd cousins) would have a cottage, my dad would have a cottage, and we'd spend every day and night walking the strip of Geneva on the Lake. Back then, there were several arcades to spend hours within collecting tickets and picking out cheesy prizes, art studios, photography places where you could dress in old fashioned clothing and have your photos taken:
.......fortune teller shops, t-shirt shops, tattoo parlors, etc. The typical souvenir shops, that I know I would probably spend hours walking through looking at all the nick nacks and bring them home to clutter up my bedroom. There is the ever so famous "Eddie's Grill", that we ate at usually once every other day if not every day.
Then, Madison Donuts, where we bought our breakfast most mornings! Also, the Debonne Winery. We would go to the winery in our large group, my father would get a big cheese, meat and homemade bread platter. We would sit out in the pavilion, drinking grape juice (I am sure he had a glass of wine with his cousin-I was too into the fresh grape juice to notice what they were drinking), and just enjoy the sunny days while a band entertained us or cooler evenings as the sun went down munching on the cheese, pepperoni and bread. Was heaven to me! (probably not the healthiest thing, but nonetheless, was heaven)
Usually on weekends, there was a pub that had entertainment and we would all go to watch the various shows. There was this particular comedian, "Grinny", that always brought the large crowds and was a regular back in those days. He would have all of us kids laughing so hard at times, and at other times, he would yell at us because we would announce his punch lines before he got to them.
My father always told the story of me being "arrested" as well in Geneva, because I was out past curfew walking the strip. He claims he received a call from the police, stating that they had picked me, my sister and cousins up and would be returning us to the cottage. I am always told, (so the story goes), that I sat in the back seat, "sniffing" stating that I smelled bacon-and my sister trying to "sush" me, so that we wouldn't get into anymore trouble than we already were. (I don't know how much of all that is true.... I was such a good lil kid!!!) Luckily, this was my only "brush" with the law!! We did a lot of swimming in the pool in our cottage area, or we'd hit the lake beach as well.
In the fall, before my father passed away, my family and I finally had a weekend free to do some camping together. We were all set up, ready to fish, cook outdoors, ride bikes, etc this particular weekend. My father called, and wanted to see if we were interested in our annual drive up to Eddie's for a hamburger and fries, as it remained his most favorite place on earth and he wanted to share it with his grandchildren of course. Reluctantly, because we had just set up camp, and I knew we didn't have many free weekends as is-we agreed to go with him. I am SO happy that I decided to do so, instead of telling him we were just set up for camping, as it ended up being my last trip with him to Eddie's Grill as he passed away in January. I still have the image of him, as we drove away after eating and hanging out that day, of him sitting on the bench for just a while longer with his white baseball cap, enjoying the sites and sounds of Geneva on the Lake, his favorite place on Earth. I imagine, he goes there quite often now, just to watch and to smell those hot dogs and hamburgers in the air from heaven above and to people watch. It was one of our favorite things to do back in those days, and he would make me say at least one nice thing about every person that walked by us.
As we left Geneva this past Saturday, I noticed a little cottage for sale at the beginning of the strip. I just HAD to stop and look. As immediately, my mind went to Dreaming of Three, and how awesome it would be to give the families I take to rodeos, another special weekend by allowing them to stay in a cottage we owned at a placed I enjoyed as a child. I immediately started dreaming-- of how I could have meals all prepared for them in the fridge, gift certificates to Eddie's, tokens for the arcades, putt-putt vouchers, water slide vouchers, winery gift cards, etc. etc. How COOL would THAT be??! To be able to give families a little vacation to the place where I grew up loving!
Perhaps someday! But, first things first in making Dreaming of Three a success and applying for non-profit status first, which is about $700 I understand. So need to raise that money, and build from there I suppose. Until then, I will continue to dream of what I can turn Dreaming of Three into and remember that your dreams come true when you act to turn them into realities!
This past weekend, my family and I took a drive up to Geneva on the Lake. A place, that as a child, my father would take me in the summer every year. AKA: GOTL. I remember even rescuing a turtle trying to cross the highway on the way up to Geneva one year, and I named that turtle GOTL. We let GOTL loose on our way back home, in a safer place of course.
Geneva-on-the-Lake calls itself "Ohio's First Summer Resort." The fun started in 1869 when the first carnival park, "Sturgeon Point" was built. In the early 1900s, Midwest inventors and businessmen, John D. Rockefeller, Henry Ford, and Harvey Firestone, chose the spot to spend camping weekends. Gradually, tents gave way to cabins and cottages, but the site still retains its humble, accessible appeal.
Those weeks in the summer, were some of the most memorable weeks of my childhood. The drive up to Geneva alone, was always entertaining to me, as the Amish lived in the area. So lots of horse and buggies to pass and wave to along the way. My cousins, (rather 2nd cousins) would have a cottage, my dad would have a cottage, and we'd spend every day and night walking the strip of Geneva on the Lake. Back then, there were several arcades to spend hours within collecting tickets and picking out cheesy prizes, art studios, photography places where you could dress in old fashioned clothing and have your photos taken:
.......fortune teller shops, t-shirt shops, tattoo parlors, etc. The typical souvenir shops, that I know I would probably spend hours walking through looking at all the nick nacks and bring them home to clutter up my bedroom. There is the ever so famous "Eddie's Grill", that we ate at usually once every other day if not every day.
Then, Madison Donuts, where we bought our breakfast most mornings! Also, the Debonne Winery. We would go to the winery in our large group, my father would get a big cheese, meat and homemade bread platter. We would sit out in the pavilion, drinking grape juice (I am sure he had a glass of wine with his cousin-I was too into the fresh grape juice to notice what they were drinking), and just enjoy the sunny days while a band entertained us or cooler evenings as the sun went down munching on the cheese, pepperoni and bread. Was heaven to me! (probably not the healthiest thing, but nonetheless, was heaven)
Usually on weekends, there was a pub that had entertainment and we would all go to watch the various shows. There was this particular comedian, "Grinny", that always brought the large crowds and was a regular back in those days. He would have all of us kids laughing so hard at times, and at other times, he would yell at us because we would announce his punch lines before he got to them.
My father always told the story of me being "arrested" as well in Geneva, because I was out past curfew walking the strip. He claims he received a call from the police, stating that they had picked me, my sister and cousins up and would be returning us to the cottage. I am always told, (so the story goes), that I sat in the back seat, "sniffing" stating that I smelled bacon-and my sister trying to "sush" me, so that we wouldn't get into anymore trouble than we already were. (I don't know how much of all that is true.... I was such a good lil kid!!!) Luckily, this was my only "brush" with the law!! We did a lot of swimming in the pool in our cottage area, or we'd hit the lake beach as well.
In the fall, before my father passed away, my family and I finally had a weekend free to do some camping together. We were all set up, ready to fish, cook outdoors, ride bikes, etc this particular weekend. My father called, and wanted to see if we were interested in our annual drive up to Eddie's for a hamburger and fries, as it remained his most favorite place on earth and he wanted to share it with his grandchildren of course. Reluctantly, because we had just set up camp, and I knew we didn't have many free weekends as is-we agreed to go with him. I am SO happy that I decided to do so, instead of telling him we were just set up for camping, as it ended up being my last trip with him to Eddie's Grill as he passed away in January. I still have the image of him, as we drove away after eating and hanging out that day, of him sitting on the bench for just a while longer with his white baseball cap, enjoying the sites and sounds of Geneva on the Lake, his favorite place on Earth. I imagine, he goes there quite often now, just to watch and to smell those hot dogs and hamburgers in the air from heaven above and to people watch. It was one of our favorite things to do back in those days, and he would make me say at least one nice thing about every person that walked by us.
As we left Geneva this past Saturday, I noticed a little cottage for sale at the beginning of the strip. I just HAD to stop and look. As immediately, my mind went to Dreaming of Three, and how awesome it would be to give the families I take to rodeos, another special weekend by allowing them to stay in a cottage we owned at a placed I enjoyed as a child. I immediately started dreaming-- of how I could have meals all prepared for them in the fridge, gift certificates to Eddie's, tokens for the arcades, putt-putt vouchers, water slide vouchers, winery gift cards, etc. etc. How COOL would THAT be??! To be able to give families a little vacation to the place where I grew up loving!
Unfortunately, my dream was quickly crushed when I saw the asking price on the window!
Yikes! I figured, it would be somewhat more expensive, being right on the lake.. but never dreamt that much! My own home didn't cost that much! So, I still took a look around regardless. A beautiful view of the lake in the back, with a patio, and built in grill. Looked so nice for relaxing on a summer evening as the sun would set! There was nobody there of course, as beginning of the season, so I didn't get to look inside, but I am sure it was very quaint. Perhaps someday! But, first things first in making Dreaming of Three a success and applying for non-profit status first, which is about $700 I understand. So need to raise that money, and build from there I suppose. Until then, I will continue to dream of what I can turn Dreaming of Three into and remember that your dreams come true when you act to turn them into realities!
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Remember there's no such thing as a small act of kindness.
Remember there's no such thing as a small act of kindness.
Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.
~ Scott Adams
I believe whole heartedly that this quote holds true. If you reach out, even with the smallest act of kindness, it does create a ripple.
Amy LeClaire, the first little girl that I took to the rodeo in January, donated a piece of her artwork that she had done while undergoing chemo. She wanted to help me raise more funds to take more families to rodeos in the future. I now have her artwork on a cool mug in my store on my website. Start your day off in the morning with the hope, love and peace that Amy wanted to share with all of you.
Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.
~ Scott Adams
I believe whole heartedly that this quote holds true. If you reach out, even with the smallest act of kindness, it does create a ripple.
Amy LeClaire, the first little girl that I took to the rodeo in January, donated a piece of her artwork that she had done while undergoing chemo. She wanted to help me raise more funds to take more families to rodeos in the future. I now have her artwork on a cool mug in my store on my website. Start your day off in the morning with the hope, love and peace that Amy wanted to share with all of you.
These mugs would make a great gift for somebody who is fighting cancer, as Amy is a little girl who beat cancer.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Hookstown Memorial Day Parade!
I am officially signed up (Dreaming of Three), along with my mascot, Snowball, to walk in the BIG Hookstown Day Memorial Day parade! My family and I will throw on our DO3 shirts, grab buckets of candy and head on down through the Big town of Hookstown! So, come on out, grab a blanket, bucket for candy, American Flag to wave, a snowcone or nachos, and enjoy a small farming town parade, full of tractors, fire trucks, some ponies, classic cars, lawnmowers, dirtbikes, whatever anybody can think of to ride down thru bascially-I totally just get a kick out of it--then after have lunch at the Hookstown Grange! A great way to start the SUMMER!
Shane, my son, a couple years ago, enjoying the tossing of candy!
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Cross #3 is Filled.
Cross #3 is filled! I will be starting Cross #4 probably once the Horse & Rider magazine hits the shelves any day now. I will strategically be placing them on my saddle. I remember when I first told Franco what I was doing, and how many crosses I had filled so far, he went into "coach" mode, and told me - "now make sure you don't weigh your horse down and slow her down!". LOL
Monday, March 12, 2012
Horse & Rider
Here is the sneak peak of the April issue from Horse & Rider, where Dreaming of Three will be mentioned in their "talk" section, page 18. I'm so excited about being in this magazine that reaches all of the U.S. with over 157,000 paid subscribers and is in the Top 10 of equine magazines! Horse&Rider reaches one of the biggest audiences in the business. Hopefully, it will bring some more attention to DO3, in the form of perhaps more sponsors for the kids and also to motivate others to reach out and do something nice for somebody that is going through hardships. I don't think any of us realize how important little gestures can be, until we are touched by strangers lending a helping hand in a time of need.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
LUBRISYN! CONNIE COMBS! What a great Wednesday!!
Well, I am very proud to announce that I am being sponsored by Lubrisyn joint supplment, by Halstrum, LLC! What a wonderful honor to be a part of this team! I will of course have information about all of their pet products along with human products at all of my shows/rodeos. I will be getting coupons as well, if you would like to try Lubrisyn for 20% by using my name! Just contact me for details!
Along with that great news yesterday, I also received noticed last night that I was selected by Connie Combs to ride with her at the Equine Affair in Columbus in April. I will be riding in her 10 a.m. clinic on Thursday, April 12! I'm so excited for this, as there are only four teams of riders/horses for this session. So there will be alot of personal attention for me and Sis. I really wanted to brush up anything that needed tweeked for this season, so that I can do the very best that I possibly can for the charities I am racing for this year. When you are dealing with 1000's of a second to get a paycheck or not...any little bit of polishing is a good thing! I of course will get some video of my time there to post afterwards.
I also received my sponsorship check from my lovely sister and brother in law yesterday. Also, got another sponsor for some gifts for Trenton-The Salty Cowgirl.
Needless to say, it was a great day yesterday closed out by having a wonderful spring like evening ride on my Sissy girl, with a full orange moon, the scent of Spring, and even some "peepers" starting to chirp!
Along with that great news yesterday, I also received noticed last night that I was selected by Connie Combs to ride with her at the Equine Affair in Columbus in April. I will be riding in her 10 a.m. clinic on Thursday, April 12! I'm so excited for this, as there are only four teams of riders/horses for this session. So there will be alot of personal attention for me and Sis. I really wanted to brush up anything that needed tweeked for this season, so that I can do the very best that I possibly can for the charities I am racing for this year. When you are dealing with 1000's of a second to get a paycheck or not...any little bit of polishing is a good thing! I of course will get some video of my time there to post afterwards.
I also received my sponsorship check from my lovely sister and brother in law yesterday. Also, got another sponsor for some gifts for Trenton-The Salty Cowgirl.
Needless to say, it was a great day yesterday closed out by having a wonderful spring like evening ride on my Sissy girl, with a full orange moon, the scent of Spring, and even some "peepers" starting to chirp!
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
My Fault Winter Returned
Well, the last two weeks I have managed to get Sis rode three times. I thought I was goin to be able to increase the times per week and have her fit and ready by the end of March. However, seems as soon as I even have the thought of legging her up, or this time, actually getting in that saddle and riding several times, winter returns! Spring can't come soon enough! The ground is frozen once again! It makes it hard to be consistent. Hopefully, this Spring-like weather the middle of the week will give me a couple more opportunities to at least begin a little bit of a routine.
I am still awaiting news from Connie Combs clinic at the Equine Affair to see if I was selected to participate. That is mid-April. So I would really need to have her in pretty good shape by that point!
I did get to see the Horse & Rider page! It is awesome! I can't share quite yet, but I certainly will once the April issue hits the stands for those of you who do not want to actually purchase the magazine. I believe it will help me gain some more sponsors for the children I take to the rodeos. (I hope so anyway). And of course, help sell more shirts in order to be able to afford to take more families to rodeos this season.
I did receive a wonderful note from a friend of the Noll family, which really touched my heart. These kind words are what keeps me pushing forward with everything I am doing for 2012:
I am still awaiting news from Connie Combs clinic at the Equine Affair to see if I was selected to participate. That is mid-April. So I would really need to have her in pretty good shape by that point!
I did get to see the Horse & Rider page! It is awesome! I can't share quite yet, but I certainly will once the April issue hits the stands for those of you who do not want to actually purchase the magazine. I believe it will help me gain some more sponsors for the children I take to the rodeos. (I hope so anyway). And of course, help sell more shirts in order to be able to afford to take more families to rodeos this season.
I did receive a wonderful note from a friend of the Noll family, which really touched my heart. These kind words are what keeps me pushing forward with everything I am doing for 2012:
I just cannot wait to hit some barrel races and rodeos, and hopefully start earning money for the charities! Pray for SPRING!Thursday, March 1, 2012
Trenton's Video
Following is the video I put together for Trenton and his family.
.....and also, from Mena, Trenton's mom after I sent her video: "Jackie, beyond words, just tears, THANK YOU SO MUCH. I have been wanting a video just like that but never having the time. So much love to you for doing what you are doing and making us part of your world!"
These are the type of words that keep me pushing forward, coming up with new ideas of how I can make Dreaming of Three better and to do more for more kids in the future.
.....and also, from Mena, Trenton's mom after I sent her video: "Jackie, beyond words, just tears, THANK YOU SO MUCH. I have been wanting a video just like that but never having the time. So much love to you for doing what you are doing and making us part of your world!"
These are the type of words that keep me pushing forward, coming up with new ideas of how I can make Dreaming of Three better and to do more for more kids in the future.
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